The IBM/Windows version of PREPRO2021 comes with executable codes and
data in compressed form - all of the files in the IBM package are in
DOS format, ready to be used on my Windows/DOS system.
1) Copy IBMPC.tar.gz to your hard drive. First uncompress and untar -
   we recommend you use 7-zip, which is available FREE on the internet,
   or any similar uncompression code that you may have. After you have
   installed it should have a directory named IBMPC that contains
   49 files and a directory named SOURCES; you can then delete IBMPC.tar.gz
2) To VERIFY proper installation, it is recommended that after install
   you execute VERIFY-IBMPC.BAT (Be sure to type the entire name, VERIFY-IBMPC.BAT,
   to avoid a conflict wth the DOS verify command). This is a batch file
   that will run the codes in sequence.
3) The final two codes will display the calculated cross sections
   (EVALPLOT) and compare the results you calculated to a standard set
   (COMPLOT). Difference of about 1 % to 2% are acceptable; larger
   differences indicate installation problem.
   If plots are displayed before the batch file (VERIFY-IBMPC.BAT) finishes,
   the system has been verified and is ready to use. If you do not
   obtain plots there was an ERROR during installation; in this case
   see case 4) below.
4) If you have any problems notify the Nuclear Data Section, IAEA,
   Vienna, Austria.