IAEA Nuclear Data Section

Aggregate Delayed Neutron Spectra

Detailed information about experiment is presented in Annals of Atomic Energy
Short discription of the data base:
  1. Source of primary neutron: accelerator based reaction T(p,n) in polyethylene block
  2. Detector of delayed neutron spectra: He-3 spectrometer
  3. Time of sample irradiation: short irradiation (tir=20 s) and long irradiation (tir=120 s)
  4. Method of measurements: cyclic irradiation of sample and measurements of delayed neutron spectra in time windows (indicated in tables)
  5. Processing of the data (see the reference paper)
  6. The database can be used as a benchmark for validation of both delayed neutron spectra from individual precursors and for delayed neutron spectra for group data.
New: The determination of the uncertainties of the integral spectra is described in INDC(NDS)-0849.
         The following sources of uncertainties were considered:
  1. Statistical uncertainties - ΔNc
  2. Neutron background uncertainties - ΔNb
  3. Uncertainties of the spectrum of recoil nuclei 3He - ΔNHe-3 and recoil protons - ΔNp, as well as the uncertainties of thermal peak - ΔNτ
  4. Uncertainties of the efficiency of the neutron spectrometer - ΔNeff and the attenuation function of the neutron flux in the lead filter - ΔNPb.


Origin plots

Short-Integral spectrum tc=0,12-44.opj
Short-Integral spectrum tc=0.12-1 s.opj
Short-Integral spectrum tc=1-2 s.opj
Short-Integral spectrum tc=2-3s.opj
Short-Integral spectrum tc=3-4 s.opj
Short-Integral spectrum tc=4-44 s.opj
Long-Integral spectrum tc=0.12-2 s.opj
Long-Integral spectrum tc=12-22 s.opj
Long-Integral spectrum tc=2-12 s.opj
Long-Integral spectrum tc=22-32 s.opj
Long-Integral spectrum tc=32-152 s.opj
Long-Integral spectum tc=0,12-152 s.opj

Origin viewer

Previous data
Intergral Spectra with dE=4keV (w/o errors)
Irradiation 20s
Irradiation 20s - errors in %
Irradiation 120s
Irradiation 120s - errors in %