Medical Isotope Browser
IAEA Nuclear Data Section
• Quick start use the tips below to avoid manual filling of the input
• Examples already prepared runs to show the possible options
Hover on one of the examples to see how the fields are filled
Click to run the selected example
• Recall previous run keep track of what you already did
Previous run are memorized
Hover on one of the items to see how the fields were filled
Click to run the selected item
• Guide go through the details of the Medical Isotope Browser
description of the fields in the form
• Product
Valid formats
99TC   TC99   99-TC   TC-99   TC 99   99 TC
Place the meta state in the near field as "M" or "G".

"show all" plots the activity of every produced nuclide, otherwise only the selected one and the sum of rest are plotted
• Target
Valid formats:
100MO   MO100   100-MO   MO-100   MO 100   100 MO  
Natural isotopic composition: input the element without mass (MO)

Custom composition
The "composition" button opens the input form (only for the element specified int Target field). Format
"mass" + " " + "value" (new line to add other masses)

The sum of the values can be any. Isotopia takes care of the normalisation
• Density
Leave the field blank to use the default value, which will be displayed in the output, or place your value
• Thickness / Exit energy
Thickness and Exit energy cannot be specified at the same time.
Warning: for a given Exit Energy (Thickness), the Thickness (Exit Energy) is estimated using an approximation of the Bethe-Bloch formula, which might be inaccurate for low energies or very thin targets
• Energy range
An energy range is sampled.
One can choose to keep a fix Target Thickness or a fix Exit Energy .

The Exit energy and 3D buttons will be enabled:
Exit energy or Target thickness
as function of the Incident energy

a 3D plot of time, energy, and activity
• Cross section
Cross section
To input your own cross-section, press "User defined"

Input energy in Mev and cross section in mb, separated by a space, use point as decimal separator
Plotting features
how to take advantage on the interactive graphics
Hover the mouse on the top-right on the plot. Dowloading, zooming, and other actions are available

Click on a legend item to hide/show the line.
Double click to isolate the line

Drag a rectangle to zoom on it. Double-click anywhere to restet the chart
Click on a line to access structure and decay data of the nuclide
Toggle linear / logarithmic y axis scale
overall paramters
Use this button to open the settings panel shown below
Choose the units you prefer
Remove from the plots the activities you might not need to display
Set the maximum target-product Z-distance
Set the maximum target-product A-distance
Data sources
cross sections libraries used
Where available the cross sections from IAEA-evaluated libraries (see below) are used. These are extended to the 0 - 200 MeV range using TENDL data
For reactions not covered by IAEA-evaluated cross sections, TENDL is used.
Each cross section used is labelled with the source library, and, in case of IAEA-evaluated ones, are also given the energies for which the TENDL library is being used to complete the 0 - 200 MeV range

IAEA cross sections
have been evaluated in a series of IAEA research projects that started in 2005. Numerical data and plots are available on-line at the IAEA Medical portal Medical portal
References are given below:
  1. E. Betak, A.D. Caldeira, R. Capote, B.V. Carlson, H.D. Choi, F.B. Guimaraes, A.V. Ignatyuk, S.K. Kim, B. Kiraly, S.F. Kovalev, E. Menapace, A.L. Nichols, M. Nortier, P. Pompeia, S.M. Qaim, B. Scholten, Yu. N. Shubin, J-Ch. Sublet, F. Tarkanyi: Nuclear data for the production of therapeutic radionuclides. In: S.M. Qaim, F. Tarkanyi, R. Capote (Technical editors) IAEA Technical Reports Series no. 473, IAEA scientific and technical report STI/DOC/010/473, IAEA, Vienna, Austria (2011) ISBN 978-92-0-115010-3.
  2. F. T. Tarkanyi, A. V. Ignatyuk, A. Hermanne, R. Capote, B. V. Carlson, J. W. Engle, M. A. Kellett, T. Kibedi, G. N. Kim, F. G. Kondev, M. Hussain, O. Lebeda, A. Luca, Y. Nagai, H. Naik, A. L. Nichols, F. M. Nortier, S. V. Suryanarayana, S. Takacs, and M. Verpelli: Recommended nuclear data for medical radioisotope production: diagnostic positron emitters, J. Rad.Nucl.Chem. 319 (2019) 487-531,
  3. A. Hermanne, A. V. Ignatyuk, R. Capote, B. V. Carlson, J. W. Engle, M. A. Kellett, T. Kibedi, G. N. Kim, F. G. Kondev, M. Hussain, O. Lebeda, A. Luca, Y. Nagai, H. Naik, A. L. Nichols, F. M. Nortier, S. V. Suryanarayana, S. Takacs, F. T. Tarkanyi, and M. Verpelli: Reference cross sections for charged-particle monitor reactions, Nucl. Data Sheets 148 (2018) 338-382.
  4. F. T. Tarkanyi, A. V. Ignatyuk, A. Hermanne, R. Capote, B. V. Carlson, J. W. Engle, M. A. Kellett, T. Kibedi, G. N. Kim, F. G. Kondev, M. Hussain, O. Lebeda, A. Luca, Y. Nagai, H. Naik, A. L. Nichols, F. M. Nortier, S. V. Suryanarayana, S. Takacs, and M. Verpelli: Recommended nuclear data for medical radioisotope production: diagnostic gamma emitters, J. Rad. Nucl. Chem. 319 (2019) 533-666;
  5. J. W. Engle, A. V. Ignatyuk, R. Capote, B. V. Carlson, A. Hermanne, M. A. Kellett, T. Kibedi, G. N. Kim, F. G. Kondev, M. Hussain, O. Lebeda, A. Luca, Y. Nagai, H. Naik, A. L. Nichols, F. M. Nortier, S. V. Suryanarayana, S. Takacs, F. T. Tarkanyi, and M. Verpelli: Recommended Nuclear Data for the Production of Selected Therapeutic Radionuclides, Nucl. Data Sheets 155 (2019) 56-74.
TENDL 2023
is a nuclear data library which provides the output of the TALYS nuclear model code system. TENDL home page
Manual of the software for simulation of medical isotope
production with accelerators that runs the server side of
the Medical Isotope Browser

Presentation outlining the rationale for the project, its
building blocks, and future developments

Please address any feedback and questions to
IAEA - Nuclear Data Section
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: (+431) 2600-0
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© 2009- 2025 IAEA Nuclear Data Section