2021 Updates
Fission Yields
Cumulative and Independent Fission Yields.
The JEFF-3.1/-3.1.1 radioactive decay data and fission yields sub-libraries, ISBN 978-64-99087-6
M. Kellett, O. Bersillon, R. Mills. (JEFF Report 20, NEA No. 6287)
Long-lived radionuclides with half-lives greater than 103 yr have not been considered in the determination of the cumulative and chain fission yields.
The links below provide the data in HTML tables and CSV files.
This zip file contains all the CSVs
Independent CSV File |
Cumulative CSV File |
Chain CSV File |
Independent HTML File |
Cumulative HTML File |
Chain HTML File |
Th-232 | Th-232 | Th-232 | Th-232 | Th-232 | Th-232 |
U-233 | U-233 | U-233 | U-233 | U-233 | U-233 |
U-235 | U-235 | U-235 | U-235 | U-235 | U-235 |
U-238 | U-238 | U-238 | U-238 | U-238 | U-238 |
Pu-239 | Pu-239 | Pu-239 | Pu-239 | Pu-239 | Pu-239 |
Pu-241 | Pu-241 | Pu-241 | Pu-241 | Pu-241 | Pu-241 |
Interactive plots
Generated with Jupyter lab
- Mouse over to see info about the points
- Click on a label to inclide/exclude the line
Chain Fission Yields: Major Actinides for a given energy
Chain Fission Yields: energies for a given Major Actinide
Cumulative Fission Yields: Major Actinides and energies
Independent Fission Yields: Major Actinides and energies
Delayed Neutrons Group Parameters
Data for 6- and 8- Group Parameters for Major Actinides: HTML file and Excel file
For both Major and Minor Actinides, see the Reference Database for Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission
Nucl. Data Sheets 173 (2021) 144 (recommended data),
INDC(NDS)-0784 (reference DN data),
Piksaikin et al., EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 6, 54 (2020) (methodology)