ICTP-IAEA jointly organised workshop on Spallation Models

International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
(4-8 February 2008 )


Spallation reactions play an important role in a wide domain of applications ranging from intense neutron sources for condensed matter and material studies, accelerator-driven sub-critical reactors for the transmutation of nuclear waste and rare isotope production to astrophysics, simulation of detector set-ups in nuclear and particle physics experiments, and radiation protection near accelerators or in space. The simulation tools used in these domains are high-energy transport codes in which elementary cross-sections and characteristics of all the reaction products are taken from existing experimental library data or, when experimental data are missing, calculated using nuclear model codes as event generators. Those are generally Monte-Carlo implementations of Intra-Nuclear Cascade (INC) models or Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) models followed by de-excitation (principally evaporation/fission) models. It is of great importance to validate abilities of the various codes to predict reliably, with a known uncertainty, the different quantities relevant for applications.

PURPOSE: This Workshop will facilitate experts and competent practitioners to better understand the physical basis, approximations, strengths and weaknesses of the currently used spallation codes. Presentation of relevant basic experimental data with emphasis on accuracies, detector efficiencies, filters and thresholds will create basis for code validation and inter-comparison. Specifically the workshop will help:

  1. To understand in depth, the physics of INC, QMD models and de-excitation models to point out the reasons of their respective successes or deficiencies;
  2. To define an agreed set of experimental data to be used in validation and inter-comparison of the models;
  3. To promote the exchange of information among researchers in the field;
  4. To identify areas of international cooperation in the field.

The agreed set of experimental data will be proposed as an international benchmark and reviewed by experts in a follow-up activity. Results presented and discussions held will be helpful in aspects of target design, experimental and detector layout in general to account amongst others for e.g. the FAIR facility planned at GSI, Darmstadt.

The proceedings of the workshop was published as D.Filges, S.Leray, Y.Yariv, A.Mengoni, A.Stanculescu, G.Mank (eds.), Report INDC(NDS)-0530. See also the ICTP web site.


TitleFromTypeSize (kb)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation ReactionsG.Mank pdf984
Introduction and aim of the meetingD.Filges pdf1109
ISABEL - INC model for high-energy hadron-nucleus reactionsY.Yariv pdf1306
INCL4: Intra Nuclear Cascade of LiegeA.Boudard pdf2423
Nuclear physics, astrophysics, and advanced technologies with neutronsA.Mengoni pdf3469
Relevance of high-energy data for IAEA's activities in the area of accelerator driven systemsA.Stanculescu pdf3066
CEM03.03 and LAQGSM03.03: Event generators for MCNP6, MCNPX, and MARS15 transport codesS.G.Mashnik pdf6762
Nuclear interaction models in the FLUKA code: details and applicationsA.Ferrari pdf5334
Proton induced spallattion reactions investigated wiithin the framework of BUU modelZ.Rudy pdf1955
Description of heavy ion collisions within the Isopin Quantum Molecular Dynamics model (IQMD)C.Hartnack pdf2260
Reaction models (JAM and JQMD) in Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS)K.Niita pdf7590
Experimental data on evaporation and pre-equilibium emission in GeV p-induced spallation reactionsF.Goldenbaum pdf3098
Detailed investigation of residual nuclei produced in spallation reactions at GSIJ.Benlliure pdf3102
QMD approach to spallatiion reactiionsM.Nandy pdf1074
The role of multifragmentation in spallation reactionsA.S.Botvina pdf3663
GEMINI codeR.Charity pdf1701
Multiplicity fluctuations in interactions of light nuclei with carbon nuclei at momentum of 4.2 GeV/c per nucleon and their theoretical interpretationA.Galoyan pdf1049
ITEP experiments with thin targtets irradiated by upto 2.6 GeV protonsY.Titarenko pdf5984
Experimental cross sections for the production of residual nuclides at medium energies: Status, recent progress, and challenges for modelingR.Michel pdf5433
The de-excitation code ABLA07K.-H.Schmidt pdf3078
Summary and perspectivesS.Leray pdf2945


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 Last Updated: 07/11/2014 07:58:55