Second Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation Reactions

CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, France
(8-11 February 2010 )


Meeting photo (by H.Iwase)

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the CEA-Saclay organise in February 2010 (Monday 08 to Thursday 11) an expert meeting on model codes for spallation reactions. This "Second Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation Reactions" follows the first one held in Trieste (ICTP) two years ago.

During the previous workshop it has been agreed to organise an international benchmark of the different models developed by different groups in the world and the specifications of this benchmark, including the set of selected experimental data to be compared to models, have been fixed. Within these two years experimental data have been collected and uploaded on a web site dedicated to this benchmark. Calculations results from participants have been received. Tools to draw all these results have been developed and about ten thousands graphs (figures and deviation factors) are available to help to the benchmark analysis.

A consultants meeting was organised by IAEA on October 6-7, 2009, to analyze the prepared results and also to draw a preliminary conclusion. The outcome of this last meeting will be discussed during this "Second Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation Reactions". All participants are welcome to argue the results of this first analysis in order to assess the prediction capabilities of their spallation models, to understand the reason for the success or deficiency and finally to reach a consensus, if possible, on some of the physics ingredients that should be used in the models. The workshop will start Monday 08 February at 9:00 at the CEA-Saclay (France) in the Claude Bloch Amphitheatre (Building 774). It will be close on Thursday 11 at 17:00.


TitleFromTypeSize (kb)
Second Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation ReactionsS.Leray pdf362
Results production and web site toolsM.U.Khandaker pdf1020
Results of a global analysis: ResiduesR.Michel pdf3707
Result global analysis: NeutronsJ.-C.David pdf1261
The MCNPX-Bertini-DresnerResultsF.Gallmeier pdf1917
Discussion of global analysisA.Boudard pdf110
The MCNP6 Event Generator CEM03.02: Lessons learned from the IntercomparisonS.Mashnik pdf4354
CEM03.03 resultsK.Gudima pdf112
Physics and Results of CASCADE.04 modelH.Kumawat pdf2996
CASCADEX - Modified intranuclear cascade and evaporation modelYu.Korovin pdf12801
Isable resultsY.Yariv pdf781
Results with INCL4.5.(20)J.Cugnon pdf10231
Results of the de-excitation code ABLA07M.V.Ricciardi pdf5968
Results of the SMM modelD.Mancusi pdf2040
Results btained with nuclear models of Geant 4 in IAEA Benchmark of SpallationJ.M.Quesada-Molina pdf1538
The light charged particle benchmark evaluationF.Gallmeier pdf1427
PHITS results with Bertini, JAM, JQMD + GEMH.Iwase pdf21167
Discussion: Differences in the Bertini INC ModelsS.Mashnik pdf1422
Benchmarking the codes agaist residual nuclide spallation data obtained recentlyYu.Titarenko pdf1384
Some conclusions of the workshopS.Leray pdf282
Contribution of Nuclear Data Section (NDS) and Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC)N.Otsuka pdf742


TitleFromTypeSize (kb)
Benchmark of Spallation Models (IAEA) - Analysis of neutron productions (Draft)J.-C.David pdf2604
Benchmark of spallation models 2009: Production of residual nuclides (Draft)R.Michel pdf5499
Benchmark evaluation of light charged particle production (Draft)F.X.Gallmeier pdf1813
 Last Updated: 07/11/2014 07:58:55