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(Last updated 26 September 2006)


Available Data Files


INDL files from the IAEA CRP

- ENDF file version “i3c” (assembled 10 March 2006, corrected resonance energy range 16 Mar 2006, added covariance data MF33 on 26 September 2006)

- ACE compressed file for MCNP (generated on 10 March 2006)

- MATX compressed file for deterministic transport codes (generated on 10 March 2006)

- PLOT file from NJOY


Other libraries


Experimental data are available for the total and the fission cross section only.


Evaluated nuclear data files are available from:

- ENDF/B-VI (adopted from ENDF/B-V)

- JENDL-3.3

- JEFF-3.0 (adopted from ENDF/B-V)

- JEFF-3.1 (adopted from ENDF/B-V)

- Minsk Actinides Library (Maslov et al); Resonance parameters from JENDL-3.3 were adopted.


The JEFF-3.0 also adopted ENDF/B-V, therefore it is not included in the comparison.



Data Comparison


Experimental data are available for the total and the fission cross sections only.


Graphical comparison plots are available via the html interface to the ZVView display package


WARNING: The emission spectra in some plots from the Minsk are missing contributions from (n,2n)  and (n,f) reactions due to incomplete files and/or unsupported combinations of data representation in the processing.

 Last Updated: 07/14/2015 06:38:18