Notes on INDL/Th-U evaluations

(IAEA Co-ordinated research project)

A. Trkov

28 February 2006

Version i3c for Th-232 of ENDF, ACE and MATXS files was uploaded. 
Main improvements are the following:
- Consistently calculated prompt fission spectra.
- Slight improvements in the models to reduce the discrepancy in the
  neutron leakage spectrum for the IPPE Th-232 Sphere with D-T Source.
- Addition of (preliminary) covariance files.

22 September 2005

Version "i3t1" of ENDF and ACE files was uploaded, which differ from the
previous mainly in the addition of the delayed neutron spectra. The same
version of NJOY was used for processing.

Plots from the ACER Edit run were added.

3 August 2005

- The models are practically finalised (unles a well-justified proposal 
is received), but the data representation might change.

- Thinning of MF4 data can be done rather easily, but the savings on the 
size of the file are modest.

- Thinning of MF6 data is possible (but not trivial).

- By switching to partly-inclusive representation, the number of
reactions explicitly considered will be removed, but there are still a
few bugs in EMPIRE for this option.

- To make the file processable into an ACE library, MT5 was removed (only
data above 25 MeV are affected. The problem will go away automatically 
when the functionality of partly-inclusive representation of the spectra 
will be fully operational in EMPIRE.