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234U (Last updated 10 April 2006)


Data Comparison


Experimental data are available for the nu-bar, total (resonance range), elastic (thermal point), fission and capture (thermal point and low-resolution resonance range) cross sections.


Graphical comparison plots are available via the html interface to the ZVView display package.


Recommended Evaluated Data File

Although some preference was expressed for the Minsk file at the RCM, a detailed analysis of the most recent ENDF/B-VII.b2 file revealed many improvements, particularly in the resonance range and above for better agreement with the most recent measurements from Los Alamos. It was therefore decided to use the ENDF/B-VII.b2 evaluation as the basis and only replace the nu-bar and the total fission spectra. To avoid inconsistencies in the data, the explicit “chance fission” data were removed from the file.


The following files are available:

- ENDF file version “i3d1” (assembled 7 April 2006, same as ENDF/B-VII.b2 except prompt nu-bar and fission spectra, which are taken from the Minsk file; explicit chance fission data were removed to avoid possible inconsistencies in reconstructing the total fission spectra).

- ACE compressed file for MCNP (generated on 10 April 2006)

- MATX compressed file for deterministic transport codes (generated on 10 April 2006)

- PLOT file from NJOY/ACER


Other Available Data Files

Evaluated nuclear data files are available from:

- ENDF/B-VII.b2 - Energy range up to 30 MeV, corrected resonance data to agree with new Los Alamos measurement, improved delayed neutron data, gamma-production data, particle emission spectra represented in ENDF File-6.


- JENDL-3.3

- JEFF-3.1

- Minsk Actinides Library (Maslov et al) – better representation of fission cross section above resolved resonance range, use of better theoretical models for fission spectra.





 Last Updated: 07/14/2015 06:45:16