Global Assessment of Nuclear Data Requirements
The GANDR Project

An IAEA Nuclear Data Section Data Development Project

The new version GANDR 5.3 has been released in November 2019.

(See the GANDR 5.3 "Readme" file.)

Overview of GANDR

In judging the adequacy of the nuclear data used as input to design-relevant neutron transport calculations, one finds that there is a very complex relationship between the accuracy of the input data and the accuracy of the calculated results.

Because of this complexity, there is a need for computerized tools to assist data experts in the ranking of competing proposals for new measurements of nuclear data for applications. In the 1970s, a number of research groups proposed the use of perturbation-theory based sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for this purpose.

Progress was stopped largely by the requirement of tracking of what seemed at the time to be an impossibly large amount of correlation information. With the enormous advances in computer technology, the equivalent of what once was considered a very powerful supercomputer facility (multi-gigabyte memories, multi-GHz processor speeds, terabytes of hard disk space) is now available on the desktop for under $5000. This remarkable development suggests taking a fresh look at this subject.

In this report and the other volumes in this series, we present the results of a detailed study of the feasibility of creating a tool for the Global Assessment of Nuclear Data Requirements (GANDR) based on sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

We conclude that GANDR is now fully practical on a modern computer in the desktop class. A major outcome of this development work is that a functioning and practical prototype of the GANDR system is now available in the IAEA Nuclear Data Section.

Graphics User Interface

GANDR GUI is a graphical computer code with the primary intention of generating input files for GANDR in an user friendly way. The GANDR GUI is written in c++ and uses wxWidgets to construct graphical elements. Source code and binaries for Windows and Linux are available on the IAEA-NDS GitHub page. The provided binaries are statically compiled and don't need any external dependencies apart from the system libraries already present in Windows 10 and most Linux distributions. The GUI should compile on MacOS, but was never tested by the developers.