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EXFOR Basics
Appendix: Tables of Dictionaries

(table of contents)

The EXFOR System Dictionaries list all keywords and codes used in the EXFOR entries. Listings are included for the following dictionaries. Where the dictionary is large, the most used codes are given. A complete listing of all dictionaries and codes is available from the IAEA Nuclear Data Section or any other of the Nuclear Reaction Data Centers.

Dictionary 3.Institutes
Dictionary 4.Reference Type
Dictionary 5.Journals
Dictionary 7.Conferences
Dictionary 15.History
Dictionary 16.Status
Dictionary 17.Related Reference
Dictionary 18.Facility
Dictionary 19.Incident Source
Dictionary 20.Additional Results
Dictionary 21.Method
Dictionary 22.Detectors
Dictionary 23.Analysis
Dictionary 24.Data Headings
Dictionary 30.Process
Dictionary 33.Particles
Dictionary 34.Modifiers (REACTION SF8)
Dictionary 35.Data-Type (REACTION SF9)
Dictionary 37.Result
Dictionary 144.Data Libraries for New CINDA
Dictionary 207.Books
Dictionary 236.Quantities (REACTION SF5-7)

Dictionary 3. Institutes:

used with the keywords INSTITUTE and FACILITY. The first character of the codes designates the nuclear data centres' area of responsibility - related to the compilation responsibilities for neutron data - , the next three characters designate the country, and the last three characters specify the institute. A subset containing some of the most frequently used codes is given here.

International Institutes
2ZZZCER CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2ZZZGEL Inst. for Ref. Mat. and Meas. (IRNM), Geel, Belgium
2ZZZISP E.C. Joint Research Center (JRC), Ispra, Italy
2ZZZITU CEC Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany
2ZZZNDC NEA Data Bank, Paris, France
3ZZZIAE IAEA, Vienna, Austria
4ZZZDUB Joint Inst.for Nucl.Res., Dubna, Russia
3ARGCAB Inst.Balseiro y Centro Atomico Bariloche, Bariloche
3ARGCNE Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires
4ARMJER Inst. Fiziki Armenian A.N., Jerevan
3AULAML Univ. of Melbourne, Melbourne
3AULAUA Australian Nucl. Sci. and Techn.Org., Lucas Heights, SW
3AULCBR Australian National Univ., Canberra
2AUSIRK Inst. fuer Isotopenforschung und Kernphysik, Vienna
3BANDAC Dhaka, University
3BANRAM Dhaka, Atomic Energy Centre, Ramna
4BLRIJE Inst. Yad. Energetiki A.N.Byeloruss.SSR, Minsk
3BZLIPE Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, Sao Paulo
3BZLUSP Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo
3BULBLA Sofia, Inst. of Nuclear Res. and Nuclear Energy
3BULSOF Univ.of Sofia
1CANCRC A.E.C.L., Chalk River, Ontario
1CANMCM McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
1CANTMF Tri University Meson Facility, Vancouver, B.C.
3CPRAEP Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing
3CPRBJG Beijing Univ., Beijing
3CPRLNZ Lanzhou Univ., Lanzhou
3CPRNIX Northwest Inst.of Nucl.Technology, Xian
3CPRNRS Inst.of Nucl.Research, Acad.Sinica, Shanghai
3CPRSST Shanghai Univ. of Science and Technology
3CPRTSI Tsinghua Univ., Beijing
3CRORBZ Inst.Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb
3CROZAG Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb
Czech Republic
3CZRUJV Inst. of Nuclear Research, Rez i Prahy
2DENRIS Riso, Roskilde
2SF ABA Abo Akademi, Turku
2SF JYV Jyvaeskylae Univ., Jyvaeskylae
2FR BRC CEN Bruyere-le-Chatel
2FR CAD C.E.N. Cadarache
2FR FAR CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses, Seine
2FR GRE Grenoble, Isere, (CEA and Univ.)
2FR PAR Univ. of Paris, (incl.Orsay), Paris
2FR SAC C.E.N. Saclay
2GERFRK J.W.Goethe Univ.,Frankfurt
2GERGSI Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
2GERHAM Hamburg, Universitaet
2GERJUL Kernforschungsanlage Juelich
2GERKFK Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe
2GERKIL Univ. of Kiel, Kiel
2GERMUN Technische Universitaet Muenchen
2GERPTB Phys.Techn.Bundesanst., Braunschweig
2GERZFK Zentralinst.f.Kernforschung, Rossendorf
2GRCATH CNRC Demokritos, Athens
3HUNDEB Inst.of Nuclear Research, ATOMKI, Debrecen
3HUNKFI Central Research Inst. for Physics, KFKI, Budapest
3HUNKOS Inst. for Experimental Physics, Kossuth U., Debrecen
3INDBOS Bose Institute, Calcutta
3INDMUA Muslim Univ., Aligarh
3INDPOO Poona, University
3INDSAH Saha Institute, Calcutta
3INDTAT Tata Institute, Bombay
3INDTRM Bhabha Atom.Res.Centre, Trombay
3INDURJ Univ.of Rajestan, Jaipur
3ISLNEG Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer-Sheva
3ISLWEI Weizmann Inst., Rehovoth
2ITYBOL ENEA Centro Ricerche Energia di Bologna
2ITYCAT Univ. of Catania
2ITYPAD Padua, University and Lab. Nat. Legnaro
2JPNIPC Inst.of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN), Wakou
2JPNJAE Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
2JPNKEK High Energy Accelerator Res. Org. (KEK), Tsukuba
2JPNKTO Kyoto Univ., Kyoto
2JPNKYU Kyushu Univ., Dept.of Nucl.Eng., Fukuoka
2JPNLEP Nat.lab.for High Energy Physics, Oho, Ibaraki
2JPNOSA Osaka Univ., Osaka
2JPNTIT Tokyo Inst.of Technology, Tokyo
2JPNTOH Tohoku Univ., Sendai
2JPNTOK Tokyo Univ., Tokyo
2JPNTSU Univ. of Tsukuba, Tsukuba
4KASKAZ Inst.Yadernoi Fiziki, Alma-Ata
Republic of Korea
3KORDAU Donga University, Pusan
3KORKAE Korean Atomic Energy Res. Inst., Yusong, Taejon
3KORKNU Kyungpook National University
3KORKRM Korea Inst.Radiol.and Med.Sci.(KIRAMS), Seoul
3KORNSU Natl.Seoul Univ., Seoul
3KORPNU Pusan National University, Pusan
3KORPUE Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, Pohang
4LATIFL Inst. Fiziki Latviyskoi A.N., Riga
3MEXUMX Univ. Nacionale Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City
The Netherlands
2NEDGRN Groningen
2NEDRCN Netherland's Energy Research Foundation, Petten
2NORKJL Inst. foer Atomenergi, Kjeller
New Zealand
3NZLNZH Inst.of Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt
3PAKNIL PINSTECH, Nilore, Rawalpindi
3POLIPJ Soltan Inst.Probl.Jadr., Swierk+Warszawa
3POLWWA Warszawa, University
3RUMBUCInst. de Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara, Bucharest
4RUSEPA Experimental Physics Inst., Arzamas
4RUSFEI Fiziko-Energeticheskii Inst., Obninsk
4RUSFTI Fiz.-Tekhnicheskiy Inst.Ioffe, St.Petersburg+Gatchina
4RUSICP Inst.of Chemical Phys., Moscow
4RUSITE Inst.Teoret.+ Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow
4RUSJIA Inst.Yadernych Issledovaniy Russian Acad. Sci.
4RUSKUR Inst.At.En. I.V.Kurchatova, Moscow
4RUSLEB Fiz.Inst. Lebedev (FIAN), Moscow
4RUSLIN Leningrad Inst.Nucl.Phys., Russian Acad.Sci., Gatchina
4RUSMOS Moscow State Univ., Nuclear Physics Inst., Moscow
4RUSNIR NIIAR Dimitrovgrad
4RUSRI Khlopin Radiev.Inst., Leningrad
3SLKSLO Slovak Academy of Sciences, Physics Inst., Bratislava
3SLKUB Komenskeho (Comenius) Univ., Bratislava
3SLNIJS Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana
South Africa
3SAFITH iThemba LABS, Somerset West
3SAFPEL Atomic Energy Corp.of South Africa, Pelindaba
2SPNSAU Santiago de Compostela
2SPNSEU Sevilla University
2SPNVAL Valencia, University
2SWDAE Studsvik Energiteknik AB
2SWDFOA Research Inst. for National Defence, Stockholm
2SWTETH Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zuerich
2SWTPSI Paul Scherrer Inst., Villigen
4UKRIJI Inst. Yadernykh Issledovaniy Acad. Sct. Ukraine, Kiev
4UKRKFT Kharkovskii Fiziko-Tekhnicheskii Inst., Kharkov
4UKRKGU Gosudarstvennyi Univ.(State Univ.), Kiev
United Kingdom
2UK ALD Awre, Aldermaston, England
2UK DOU Dounreay Experimental Reactor Establishment, England
2UK HAR AERE, Harwell, Berks, England
2UK NPL National Phys.Lab., Teddington, England
2UK OXF Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, England
United States
1USAANL Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL
1USAARK Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
1USABNL Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
1USABNW Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA
1USABRK Univ. of Calif. Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Berkeley, CA
1USACOL Columbia University, New York, NY
1USADAV University of California, Davis, CA
1USADKE Duke University, Durham, NC
1USAFSU Florida State University, Tallahasse, FL
1USAGEO University of Georgia, Athens, GA
1USAGGA Gulf General Atomic, San Diego, CA
1USAGIT Georgia Institiute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
1USAHAN Hanford Atomic Products, Richland, WA
1USAINL Idaho Nuclear Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls, ID
1USAINU Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
1USAKAP Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, NY
1USAKTY University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
1USALAS Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
1USALRL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
1USALTI University of Lowell, Lowell, MA
1USAMHG University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
1USAMIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
1USAMRY University of Maryland, College Park, MD
1USANBS National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
1USANIS National Inst.of Standards & Techn., Gaithersburg, MD
1USANOT Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
1USAOHO Ohio University, Athens, OH
1USAORL Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
1USARPI Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
1USATEX Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX
1USATNL Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab., Durham, NC
1USAWIS University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
3VN DAL Nuclear Research Inst., Dalat
3VN IPH Inst.of Phys.and Electronics, Acad. Sci., Hanoi

Dictionary 4: Reference type:

used as the first subfield for the keyword REFERENCE, and, similarly, for MONIT-REF, and REL-REF.

AAbstract of conference
KAbstract of journal
PProgress report
RReport other than progress report
SReport containing conference proceedings
TThesis or dissertation
WPrivate communication

Dictionary 5: Journal codes:

used as the second subfield for the keyword REFERENCE, when the reference type is given as J or K; similarly, for MONIT-REF, and REL-REF. A subset containing some of the most frequently used codes is given here. The code may have an extension delimited by a slash; these extensions have the following meanings:

/A, /B,..., /G
section or series
letters section
ACRActa Crystallographica
ADPAnnalen der Physik
AEAtomnaya Energiya
AEJJournal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
AFArkiv foer Fysik
AHPActa Physica Hungarica
AJAstrophysical Journal
AKAtomki Kozlemenyek
ANEAnnals of Nuclear Energy
ANPAnnalen der Physik (Leipzig)
ANSTransactions of the American Nuclear Society
APAnnals of Physics (New York)
APAActa Physica Austriaca
APPActa Physica Polonica
ARIApplied Radiation and Isotopes
AUJ Australian Journal of Physics
BAP Bulletin of the American Physical Society
BASBull.Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics
CHPChinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan)
CJPCanadian Journal of Physics
CPLChinese Physics Letters
CRComptes Rendus
CZJCzechoslovak Journal of Physics
DOKDoklady Akademii Nauk
EPJEuropean Physics Journal
HPA Helvetica Physica Acta
IJPIndian Journal of Physics
INCInorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters
ISPIsrael J.of Physics
IZVIzv.Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk,Ser.Fiz.
JAEYadernaya Energetika
JELSoviet Physics - JETP Letters
JETSoviet Physics - JETP
JINJournal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry
JNEJournal of Nuclear Energy
JNRSJournal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
JPJour. of Physics
JPJJournal of the Physical Society of Japan
JPRJournal de Physique (Paris)
JRCJ.of Radioanalytical Chemistry
JRNJ.of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
KFIKFKI Kozlemenyek
KPSJournal of the Korean Physical Society
NCNuovo Cimento
NCLLettere al Nuovo Cimento
NCRRivista del Nuovo Cimento
NCSNuovo Cimento, Suppl.
NIMNuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res.
NPNuclear Physics
NSENuclear Science and Engineering
NSTJ.of Nuclear Science and Technology, Tokyo
PANPhysics of Atomic Nuclei
PCJJournal of Physical Chemistry
PHEHigh Energy Physics and Nucl.Physics,Chinese ed.
PHYPhysica (Utrecht)
PLPhysics Letters
PNEProgress in Nuclear Energy
PPSProceedings of the Physical Society (London)
PRPhysical Review
PRLPhysical Review Letters
PRMPramana (India)
PRSProc. of the Royal Society (London)
PSPhysica Scripta
PTEPribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta
RCARadiochimica Acta
RJPRomanian Journal of Physics
RRLRadiochem.and Radioanal.Letters
RRPRevue Roumaine de Physique
SJASoviet Atomic Energy
SJPNSoviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei
SPCSoviet Physics-Cristallography
SPDSoviet Physics-Doklady
UFZUkrainskii Fizichnii Zhurnal
UPJUkrainian Physics Journal
YFYadernaya Fizika
YKVop. At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yadernye Konstanty
ZEPZhurnal Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., Pisma v Redakt.
ZETZhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoret. Fiziki
ZPZeitschrift fuer Physik

Dictionary 7: Conferences:

used as the second subfield for the keyword REFERENCE, when the reference type is given as A or C, and similarly, for MONIT-REF, and REL-REF. A subset containing some of the most frequently used codes is given here.

55GENEVA1st Conf. on Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1955
55MOSCOWUSSR Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Moscow 1955
56KIEVKiev Conf., Kiev 1956
58GENEVA2nd Conf. on Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1958
58PARISNuclear Physics Congress, Paris 1958
59CALCUTTALow Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Calcutta 1959
59LONDON Conf.Nuclear Forces and Few-Nucleon Problem, London 1959
60BASELConf. on Polarization Phenom. in Nuclear Reactions, Basel 1960
60VIENNAPile Neutron Research Symp., Vienna 1960
60WIEN Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Vienna 1960
61BOMBAY Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1961
61BRUSSELS Neutron Time-of-Flight Colloquium, Brussels 1961
61DUBNA Slow Neutron Physics Conf., Dubna 1961
61MANCH Rutherford Conf., Manchester 1961
61RPI Neutron Physics Symp., Rensselaer Polytech 1961
61SACLAY Time of Flight Methods Conf., Saclay 1961
62PADUA Nucl. Reaction Mechanisms Conf., Padua 1962
63BOMBAY Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1963
63KRLSRH Neutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe 1963
64BOMBAY Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Bombay 1964
64GENEVA 3rd Conf. on Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1964
64PARIS Nuclear Physics Congress, Paris 1964
65CALCUTTANuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Calcutta 1965
65KRLSRH Pulsed Neutron Symp., Karlsruhe 1965
65SALZBURGPhysics and Chemistry of Fission Conf., Salzburg 1965
66BOMBAY Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1966
66GATLNBG Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, 1966
66MOSCOWNuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1966
66PARISNuclear Data For Reactors Conf., Paris 1966
66WASHNeutron Cross-Section Technology Conf., Washington 1966
67BRELALight Nuclei Symp., Brela 1967
67JUELICHNeutron Physics at Reactors Conf., Juelich 1967
67KARLSRSymp. on Fast Reactor Physics,Karlsruhe 1967
68BOMBAYNuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1968
68COPENHGNNeutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Copenhagen 1968
68MADRASNuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras 1968
68WASHNuclear Cross-Sections & Technology Conf., Washington 1968
69ROORKEENuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Roorkee 1969
69VIENNAPhysics and Chemistry of Fission Symp., Vienna 1969
70ANLNeutron Standards Symp., Argonne 1970
70HELSINKINuclear Data for Reactors Conf., Helsinki 1970
70MADISON Polarization Phenomena Conf., Madison 1970
70MADURAINuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Madurai 1970
71KIEVNeutron Physics Conf., Kiev 1971
71KNOXConf. Neutron Cross Sections & Techology, Knoxville 1971
72BOMBAYNuclear and Solid State Physics Symp, Bombay 1972
72GRENOBLENeutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Grenoble 1972
72KIEV Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf, Kiev 1972
73BANGLO Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bangalore,1973
73KIEV Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1973
73MUNICH Conf. on Nuclear Physics,Munich 1973
73PACIFI Conf. on Photonuclear Reactions, Pacific Grove 1973
73PARIS Applications of Nuclear Data Symp., Paris 1973
74BOMBAY Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1974
74PETTEN Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Petten 1974
75CALCUTTANuclear and Solid State Physics Symp.,Calcutta,1975
75KIEV Conf. on Neutron Phys., Kiev 1975
75WASH Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections and Technology, Washington 1975
75ZURICH Symp. on Polarization Phenomena, Zuerich 1975
76AHMEDABANuclear Physics & Solid State Physics Symp., Ahmedabad,1976
76LOWELL Conf. on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei, Lowell 1976
77BNL Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections at 10 - 40 Mev, Brookhaven 1977
77KIEV Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1977
77NBS Symp.on Neutron Standards, Gaithersburg 1977
77VIENNA Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna 1977
78BNL Symp.on Neutron Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Brookhaven 1978
78BOMBAY Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1978
78HARWELLConf. on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data, Harwell 1978
79JUELICH Symp. on Physics and Chemistry of Fission, Juelich 1979
79KNOX Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections fro Technology, Knoxville 1979
79MADRAS Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras 1979
79SMOLENICSymp. on Neutron Induced Reactions, Smolenice 1979
80BERKELEYConf. on Nuclear Physics, Berkeley 1980
80BNL Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections at 10-50 MeV, Brookhaven 1980
80KIEVAll-Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1980
80SANTA FESymp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Santa Fe 1980
81ANLNeutron Scattering Conf., Argonne 1981
81BOMBAYNuclear Physics and Solid State Physics .Symp., Bombay 1981
81GRENOBSymp. on Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Grenoble 1981
82ANTWER Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Antwerp 1982
82SMOLENConf. on Neutron Induced Reactions, Smolenice 1982
83KIEVAll-Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1983
83MYSORENuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Mysore 1983
84GAUSSIG Symp. on Nuclear Physics, Gaussig 1984
84KNOX Symp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Knoxville 1984
85JUELIC Conf. on Neutron Scattering in the Nineties, Juelich 1985
85SANTA Conf.on Nuclesar Data for Basic and Applied Science, Santa Fe 1985
86DUBROV Conf. on Fast Neutron Phys., Dubrovnik 1986
86HARROG Nuclear Physics Conf., Harrogate 1986
87KIEV Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1987
88BOMBAY Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1988
88MITO Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Mito 1988
89LENING 50th Anniversary of Nuclear Fission, Leningrad 1989
89WASH 50 Years of Nuclear Fission, Washington D.C. 1989
91BEIJIN Symp. on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing 1991
91JUELIC Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Juelich 1991
92BOMBAY Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1992
94GATLIN Nuclear Data for Science & Technology, Gatlinburg 1994
96BUDASymp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Budapest, 1996
96NOTREDNuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, IN, 1996
97TRIESTNuclear Data for Science & Technology, Trieste, Italy, 1997
98VOLOSNuclei in the Cosmos V, Volos, Greece, 1998
99BUCHAR Symp.on Nucl.Phys., Bucharest, Romania, 1999
99HABAY Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1999
99PRAHA Conf.on Accelerator Driven Transmutation, Prague 1999
99RAB Conf.Cluster.Aspects of Nucl.Struct.& Dynam.,Rab 1999
99SANTA Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Santa Fe,NM 1999
99SARAT Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 1999
99ST.AND Conf.on Fission+Neutron-Rich Nucl.,St.Andrews, 1999
99TSUKUB Conf.on Radi9ation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999
99VANCOU Int.Conf.on Isotopes (3ICI), Vancouver, Sept.1999
2000PITTSB PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000
2000STPETR Conf.Nucl.Spectr.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersbg.,June 2000
2001BERKEL Nucl.Physics in the 21st Cent.,Berkeley, CA,USA,2001
2001CASTAP Dyn.Aspects of Nucl.Fiss.,Casta-Papiernicka 2001
2001DUBNA Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei, Dubna 2001
2001SARAT Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 2001
2001SAROV Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Sarov, Russia,2001
2001TSUKUB Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Tsukuba 2001
2002BERKEL Conf. on Frontier of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley 2002
2002DUBNA Int.Sem.Interaction of Neutrons w.Nuclei,Moscow,2002
2002MOSCOW Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Moscow,Russia,2002
2002PRUHON Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Pruhonice, 2002
2002SANIB Fission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,2002
2002SANTA Meeting on Radiation Shielding,Santa Fe,NM,USA, 2002
2002SEOUL PHYSOR 2002, Physics of Reactors, Seoul, Korea, 2002
2003DARMST Worksh.Nucl.Data for Transmutation, Darmstadt, 2003
2003HABAYSem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2003
2003MOSCOW Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Moscow,Russia,2003
2003SDIEGO Int.Meet.on Nucl.Appl.of Accel.Tech., San Diego 2003
2004ARGON Conf.on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, July 2004
2004BELGOR Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Belgorod,Russia,2004
2004BORMIO Int.Meeting on Nucl.Physics, Bormio, Italy, 2004
2004EURAD Conf.Manag.and Disposal of Rad.Waste,Luxembourg 2004
2004SANTA Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Santa Fe 2004
2005BRUSS Int.Conf.on Isotopes (5ICI), Brussels, April 2005
2005KOS Frontiers in Nucl.Structure,Kos,Greece,Sept.2005
2005NOTRED Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Notre Dame 2005
2005PAVIA Nucl.Phys.Divisional Conf., Pavia, Italy, Sept.2005
2005SANTA Int.Collab.on Adv.Neutron Sources,Santa Fe,April 2005
2005SEVILL Int.Conf.on Ion Beam Analysis, Sevilla, 2005
2006BOROVE Workshop Neutron Meas., Eval.& Appl., Borovets, 2006
2006CERN 9.Int.Symp.Nuclei in the Cosmos, CERN, Geneva, 2006
2006MANGAL Nucl.Data f.Adv.Nucl.Systems, Mangalore, India, 2006
2006VANCOU Advances in Nucl.Analysis and Simul.,Vancouver 2006
2007NICE Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci. and Technology, Nice 2007
2007TOKAI Symp.on Nuclear Data, Tokai, Japan, Jan. 2007

Dictionary 15: History codes:

used with the keyword HISTORY.

A Important alterations
C Complied at the data center
D Entry or subentry deleted
E Transmitted to other data centers
L Entered into data library
R Data received at the data center
S Data restored from archive
T Converted from previous compilation
U Unimportant alterations

Dictionary 16: Status codes:

used with the keyword STATUS.

APRVDApproved by author
CORELData correlated with another data set
CPXData taken from data file of McGowan, et al.
CURVEData read from a curve
DEPDependent data
NACREConverted from NACRE files
NCHKDOriginal reference not checked
NDDData converted from NEUDADA file
OUTDTNormalization out-of-date
PRELMPreliminary data
RCALCRatio to standard calculated by other than author
RIDERData converted from file of B.F. Rider
RNORMData renormalized by other than author
SCSRSData converted from SCISRS file
SPSDDData superseded
TABLEData received by center in tabular form
UNOBTData unobtainable from author

Dictionary 17: Related Reference codes:

used with the keyword REL-REF.

AReference with which data agree
CCritical remarks
DReference with which data disagree
EReference used in the evaluation
RReference from which data were used

Dictionary 18: Facility codes:

used with the keyword FACILITY.

ACCEL Accelerator
BETAT Betatron
CCW Cockcroft-Walton accelerator
CHOPF Fast chopper
CHOPS Slow chopper
CYCLO Cyclotron
CYCTM Tandem cyclotrons
CYGFF Cyclograaff
DYNAM Dynamitron
ESTRG Electron storage ring
FNS Fusion neutron source
FRS Fragment separator
ICTR Insulated core transformer accelerator
INTFM Interferometer
ISOCY Isochronous cyclotron
LASER Laser system
LINAC Linear accelerator
MESON Meson facility
MICRT Microtron
OLMS On-line mass separator
OSCIP Pile oscillator
PRJFS Secondary beam from projectile fragment separator
REAC Reactor
SELVE Velocity selector
SPECC Crystal spectrometer
SPECD Double mass spectrometer
SPECM Mass spectrometer
SRING Storage ring
SYNCH Synchrotron
SYNCY Synchro cyclotron
VDG Van de Graaff
VDGT Tandem van de Graaff

Dictionary 19: Incident Source codes:

used with the keyword INC-SOURCE.

ARADAnnihilation radiation
ATOMIAtomic beam source
CF252Spontaneous fission of 252Cf
CM244Spontaneous fission of 244Cm
CM246Spontaneous fission of 246Cm
CM248Spontaneous fission of 248Cm
COMPTCompton scattering
EVAPEvaporation neutrons
EXPLONuclear explosive device
KINDTKinematically determined
LAMBLamb-shift source
LASERLaser scattering
LCSLaser Compton scattered photons
MPHMonoenergetic photons
POLISPolarized ion source
POLNSPolarized neutron source
POLTRPolarized target
PU240Spont. fission of 240Pu
PU242Spont. fission of 242Pu
QMPHQuasi-monoenergetic photons
TAGDElectron tagged
THCOLThermal column
THRDTDetermined by threshold technique
VPHVirtual photons

Dictionary 20: Additional Result Codes:

used with the keyword ADD-RES.

A-DIS Mass distribution
AMFF Angular momentum of fission fragments
ANGD Angular distribution
COMP Comparison with calculated values
DECAY Decay properties investigated
E-DIS Energy distribution
G-SPC Gamma spectra
LD Level density
N-SPEC Neutron spectra
P-SPEC Proton spectra
POT Parameters of nuclear potential
RANGE Range of recoils measured
RECIP Reciprocal data
STRUC Nuclear structure data
THEO Theory
TRCS Total reaction cross section
TTY-C Calculated thick target yield
Z-DIS Charge distribution

Dictionary 21: Method Codes:

used with the keyword METHOD.

ABSFY Absolute fission yield measurement
ACTIV Activation
AMS Accelerator mass spectrometry
ANC Asymptotic normalization constant
ASEP Separation by mass-separator
ASPEC Alpha spectrometry
ASSOP Associated particle
BCINT Beam current integrated
BGCT Beta-gamma coincidence technique
BSPEC Beta ray spectrometry
BURN Burn-up
CADMB Cadmium bath
CHARG Measurements in gas discharge
CHRFL Christiansen filter
CHSEP Chemical separation
COINC Coincidence
DIFFR Diffraction
DSCAT Double scattering
EDE Particle identification by 'E/Delta E' measurement
EDEG Energy degradation by foils
EXTB Irradiation with external beam
FISCT Absolute fission counting
FLUX Neutron flux monitoring
FNB Filtered neutron beam
FPGAM Direct gamma-ray spectrometry
GSPEC Gamma ray spectrometry
HADT Heavy atom difference technique
HATOM Hot atom method
HE-AC Helium accumulation method
HEJET Collection by He jet
INTB Irradiation with internal beam
JET Collection by gas jet
LRASY Left-right asymmetry
MAGFR Magnetic field rotation
MANGB Manganese bath
MASSP Mass spectrometry of a product
MOMIX Mixed monitor
MOSEP Separate monitor foil
OLMS On-line mass separation
PHD Pulse-height discrimination
PLSED Pulse die-away
PSD Pulse-shape discrimination
RCHEM Radiochemical separation
REAC Reactivity measurement
REC Collection of recoils
REFL Total reflection from mirrors
RELFY Relative fission yield measurement
RINGR Ring ratio method
RVAL R-value measurement
SFLIP Spin flip
SHELT Shell transmission
SITA Single target irradiation
SLODT Slowing-down time
STATD Statistically determined
STTA Stacked target irradiation
THERM Gas thermochromatographic separation
TOF Time-of-flight
TRN Transmission method
TROJA Trojan-horse method
TTM Thick-target method
XSPEC X-ray spectrometry

Dictionary 22: Detector Codes:

used with the keyword DETECTOR.

BAF2 Scintillator BaF2
BF3 Boron Trifluoride neutron detector
BGO Bismuth-Germanate crystal detector
BPAIR Electron-pair spectrometer
BUBLC Bubble chamber
CEREN Cerenkov detector
COIN Coincidence counter arrangement
COMPL Compton Polarimeter
CSICR Cesium-Iodide crystal
D4PI 4pi detector
DRFTC Drift chamber
FISCH Fission chamber
GE Germanium detector
GE-IN Germanium intrinsic detector
GELI Germanium-Lithium detector
GEMUC Geiger-Mueller counter
GLASD Glass detector
HE3SP He-3 spectrometer
HORBU Hornyak button detector
HPGE Hyperpure Germanium detector
IMPSI Passivated implanted planar Si detector
IOCH onization chamber
LEGE Low energy Germanium Detector
LONGC Long counter
MAGSP Magnetic spectrometer
MCPLT Microchannel plate
MOXR Moxon-Rae detector
MTANK Moderating tank detector
MWDC Multi-wire drift chamber
MWPC Multi-wire proportional counter
MWSC Multi-wire spark counter
NAICR Sodium-Iodide crystal
PGAC Parallel-grid avalanche detector
PHVC Photovoltaic Cell
PLATE Nuclear plates
PPAC Parallel plate avalanche counter
PROPC Proportional counter
PS Position sensitive detector
SCIN Scintillation detector
SIBAR Silicon surface barrier detector
SILI Silicon-Lithium detector
SI Silicon detector
SISD Silicon strip detector
SOLST Solid-state detector
SPEC Large spectrometer system
STANK Scintillator tank
SWPC Single-wire proportional counter
TELES Counter telescope
TFBC Threshold detector
TRD Track detector
XHPGE Extended range Germanium gamma detector

Dictionary 23: Analysis Codes:

used under the keyword ANALYSIS.

PI1A 4p times differential cross section at one angle
REA Area analysis
ORAB Correction for isotopic abundance
ECAY Decay curve analysis
IFFR Difference spectrum
TBAL Detailed balance
NTAD Integration of angular distribution
NTED Integration of energy distribution
EAST Least-structure method
LA Multilevel analysis
HDIF Photon difference
LA Penfold-Leiss method
EDUC Reduction method
EGUL Regularization method
FN R-function formalism
HAPE Shape analysis
LA Single level analysis
HIES Thies's method
TUNF Calculated from thick target using unfolding proced.
NFLD Unfolding procedure
SP Woods-Saxon potential

Dictionary 24: Data Headings:

used at the beginning of the COMMON and DATA fields to indicate the significance of the variable given; also used under the keywords ASSUMED, MONITOR, HALF-LIFE, MISC, and ERR-ANALYS as links to the data field.

The codes given in this dictionary may be followed by one of the following suffixes.

-1, -2, etc.
1st, 2nd, etc., value, when more than one defined
value is approximate
value is in center-of-mass (quantities without this suffix are in the laboratory system
value for denominator of a reaction ratio
uncertainty on value
Digitizing error
minimum value
maximum value
mean value
value for numerator of a reaction ratio
value at which data is normalized
resolution of value
ANAL-STEP Analysis energy step
ANG Angle
ANG-AZ Azimuthal Angle
ANG-RL Relative Angle
ASSUM Assumed value, defined under ASSUMED
COS Cosine of angle
DATA Value of quantity Specified under REACTION
DECAY-FLAGDecay flag. link to information under DECAY-DATA
E Energy of outgoing particle
E-DGD Degradation in secondary particle energy vs. incident energy
E-EXC Excitation energy
E-GAIN Gain in secondary particle energy vs. incident energy
E-LVL Level energy
E-LVL-FIN Final level of γ transition
E-LVL-INI Initial level of γ transition
ELEMENT Atomic number of element
EN Energy of incident projectile
EN-DUMMY Dummy incident projectile energy, for broad spectrum
EN-RES Resonance energy
EN-RSL-FW Incident projectile energy resolution (FWHM)
EN-RSL-HW Incident projectile energy resolution (+-1/2 FWHM)
ERR Systematic uncertainty, defined under ERR-ANALYS
ERR-DIG Digitizing error (of DATA)
ERR-EDD Error of energy value given under DECAY-DATA
ERR-IDD Error of intensity value given under DECAY-DATA
ERR-HL Error of half-life value given under DECAY-DATA
ERR-S Statistical uncertainty (1σ)
ERR-SYS Total Systematic Uncertainty
ERR-T Total uncertainty (1σ)
FLAG Flag, link to information under FLAG
GRP-NUM Group number (of delayed neutrons)
HL Half-life of nuclide specified
IAS-NUMB Level Number of Isobaric Analog State
ISOMER Isomeric state for nuclide given
KT Spectrum temperature
LVL Level Energy as additional information
LVL-FLAG Level flag, link to information under LEVEL-PROP
LVL-NUMB Level number
MASS Atomic mass of nuclide
MASS-RATIORatio of atomic masses of fission fragments
MISC Miscellaneous information, defined under MISC-COL
MOM Linear momentum of incident projectile
MOM-SEC Linear momentum of outgoing particle
MOM-TR Momentum transfer (in units MeV/c or equiv.)
MOMENTUM LAngular momentum (l) of resonance
AONIT Normalization value, for reaction given under MONITOR
AU-ADLER μ (for Adler-Adler resonance parameters)
AUMBER Fitting coefficient number
PARITY Parity (p) of resonance
PART-OUT Number of Emitted Particles
POL-BM Beam polarization
POL-TR Target polarization
POLAR Polarity
q Momentum transfer, q
Q-VAL Q-value
S Distance along S-curve for range of E1 and E2
SPIN J Spin (J) of resonance
STAT-W G Statistical-weight factor (g)
-t 4-momentum transfer squared
TEMP Sample temperature
THICKNESS Sample thickness
WVE-LN Wave length of incident particle

Dictionary 30: Process Codes:

used in REACTION subfield 3, and simarly under ASSUMED and MONITOR.

ABS Absorption
EL Elastic scattering
F Fission
FUS Total fusion
INL Inelastic scattering
NON Nonelastic (= total minus elastic)
PAI Pair production (for photonuclear reactions)
SCT Total scattering (elastic + inelastic)
TCC Total charge changing
THS Thermal neutron scattering
TOT Total
X Process unspecified

Dictionary 33: Particle Codes:

used in REACTION quantity subfields 2, 3, 7, and simarly under ASSUMED and MONITOR. Also used under the keywords DECAY-DATA, DECAY-MON, PART-DET and RAD-DET, and as the second field under the keywords EN-SEC, EMS-SEC, and MOM-SEC.

0 (no incoming/outgoing particle)
A α
AN Antineutrons
AP Antiprotons
AR Annihilation radiation
B Decay β
B+ Decay β+
B- Decay β-
D Deuterons
DG Decay γ
DN Delayed neutrons
E Electrons
EC Electron capture
ER Evaporation Residues
ETA Eta mesons
FF Fission fragments
G γ
HCP Heavy Charged Particle
HE2 2He
HE3 3He
HE6 6He
HF Heavy fragment
ICE Internal-conversion electrons
K Kaons,unspecified
KN Kaons,negative
KP Kaons,positive
LCP Light charged particle (Z<7)
LF Light fragment
N Neutrons
P Protons
PI pion,unspecified
PI0 pion,neutral
PIN pion,negative
PIP pion,positive
PN Prompt neutrons
RSD Residual nucleus
SF Fragments from spontaneous fission
T Tritons
XR X-rays

Dictionary 34: Modifier Codes:

used in REACTION the 4th quantity subfield (REACTION SF8), and similarly, under ASSUMED and MONITOR.

(A) uncertain if corrected for natural isotopic abundance
1K2 form: k2 dσ/dΩ = Σ (a(L)*p(L))
2AG times 2 * isotopic abundance and statistical weight factor
2G times 2 * staistical weight factor
2L2 form: dσ/dΩ = 1/2 Σ (2L+1)*a(L)*p(L)
2MT times 2p * transverse secondary mass
2PT times 2p* transverse secondary momentum
4AG times 4 * isotopic abundance and statistical weight factor
4PI times 4π
A times natural isotopic abundance
AA Adler-Adler formalism
AG times isotopic abundance and statistical weight factor
AL1 Associated Legendre polynomials of the first kind
AMP Amplitude (for resonance parameters)
ANA analyzing power
ASY asymmetry of polarization of outgoing particles
AV average
BRA Bremsstrahlung spectrum average
BRS average over part of Bremsstrahlung spectrum
C Spin correlation parameter
COS Cosine coefficients
CS2 form: a0 + a1*sin2 + a2*sin2*cos + a3*sin2*cos2
D Spin rotation parameter
DSP Difference for spins parallel - antiparallel
DT production thick/thin target yield
EPI epi-thermal neutron spectrum average
FCT times a factor (see text)
FIS fission spectrum average
FST fast reactor neutron spectrum average
G times statistical weight factor
K Spin transfer parameter
L4P form: 4π dσ/dΩ = Σ (2L+1)*a(L)*p(L)
LEG Legendre coefficients
LIM given for a limited energy range
MOT relative to Mott scattering
MSC approximate definition only (see text)
MXW Maxwellian average
NCP Non-coplanar
NSF Non-spin-flip
PHY Physical yield
PP Incident projectile parallel/perpendicular to reaction plane
RAW raw data (see text)
REL relative data
RES at peak of resonance
RG times (2J(i)+1) * (2J(j)+1)
RM Reich-Moore formalism
RMT R-matrix formalism
RNV non-1/v part
RS times 4π/σ
RS0 (dσ/dΩ)/(dσ/dΩ at 0 deg) = Σ a(L)*p(L)
RSD relative to 90 deg data
RSL form: (4π/σ)*(dσ/dΩ) = Σ (2L+1)*a(L)*p(L)
RTE times square-root(E)
RTH relative to Rutherford scattering
RV 1/v part only
S0 times total peak cross section
S2T form: dσ/dΩ = a0 + a1*sin2(T) + a2*sin2(2*T)
SF Spin flip
SFC S-factor
SN2 sum in the power of sin2
SPA spectrum average
SQ quantity squared
SS spin-spin
TAP Tensor analyzing power, spherical coordinates
TM per 1 MeV target thickness (for thick target yields)
TST Total spin transfer
TT measured for thick target
VAP Vector analyzing power, spherical coordinates
VGT Vogt formalism

Dictionary 35: Data Type Codes:

used in REACTION subfield 9.

CALC Calculated data
DERIV Derived data
EVAL Evaluated data
EXP Experimental data (default)
RECOM Recommended data

Dictionary 37: Result Codes:

used with the keyword RESULT.

DFRCT Delayed neutron fraction
FRCUM Fractional cumulative yield
FRIND Fractional independent yield
RVAL R-value

Dictionary 144: Data Libraries for New CINDA

used as the third subfield for the keyword MONIT-REF, when data libraries are used as the standard (or monitor)

BROND- Russian computer library of recommended evaluated neutron induced reaction data
CENDL- Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library
ENDF/B- US Evaluated Nuclear Data File
FENDL Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library
JEFF- Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Library,
JENDL- Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library

Dictionary 207: Books:

used as the second subfield for the keyword REFERENCE, when the reference type is given as B, and similarly, for MONIT-REF, and REL-REF. A subset containing some of the most frequently used codes is given here.

ACT.EL Actinide Elements
EXP.NUC.P. Experimental Nuclear Physics
FAST N.PH. Fast Neutron Physics
NB.GS.COMP Noble Gas Compounds, Chicago Press 1963
NEJTRONFIZ Neitronnaya Fizika, Moskva 1961
PR.NUC.EN. Progress in Nucl.Energy
RCS Radiochemical Studies, Fission Products
SPN Neutr.Phys.,New York 1961
TRANSU.EL. Transuranium Elements

Dictionary 236: Quantity Codes:

used for quantity (REACTION subfields 5-7), and simarlarly under ASSUMED and MONITOR. They may be combined with modifier codes from Dictionary 34 to form the complete quantity string; if more than one code applies, they are separated by / (slash). The code * in the 3rd field (SF7) signifies that any particle code from Dictionary 33 may be given in place of the character.

The following branch codes may appear at the beginning of the string:

CUM cumulative
(CUM)uncertain if reaction is cumulative
IND independent formation of product
M+ including decay from metastable state
M- excluding decay from metastable state
(M) uncertain if decay from metastable state included.
PAR partial
SEQ given for reaction sequence specified
UND reaction is undefined, only the sum of outgoing nucleons is known.
(DEF)Compiler is uncertain whether the reaction is defined.

Branch codes used for analyzing power / polarization:

20,21,22,31,32,33 Coefficients T20, T21, T22, etc., for analyzing power
LL Longitudinal-longitudinal (zz) component
LS Longitudinal-sideward (zx) component
NL Normal-longitudinal (yz) component
NN Normal-normal (yy) component
SL Sideward-longitudinal (xz) component
SS Sideward-sideward (xx) component

,AG,,AAAdler-Adler symmetry coefficient
,AH,,AAAdler-Adler asymmetry coefficient
,AKEAverage kinetic energy of outgoing particle
,AKE/DA,*Avgerage kinetic energy of fission fragment at given angle
,ALFCapture-to-fission cross section ratio
,AMPScattering amplitude
,APMost probable mass of fission products
,AP,*Most probable mass of fragment specified
,AREResonance area
,CORAngular correlation
,COR,*/*Angular correlation between particles specified
,COR,*/*/*Angular correlation between particles specified
,DAverage level spacing
,DADifferential cross section with respect to angle
,DA,*Differential cross section with respect to angle for particle specified
,DA/CRLAngular correlation
,DA/DADouble differential cross section d2σ/dΩ/dΩ
,DA/DA,*/*Double diff. cross section d2σ/dΩ(*1)/dΩ(*2)
,DA/DA/DETriple diff.cross section d3σ/dΩ/dΩ/dE
,DA/DA/DE,*/*/*Triple diff.cross section d3σ/dΩ(*1)/dΩ(*2)/dE(*3)
,DA/DEDouble diff.cross section d2σ/dΩ/dE
,DA/DE,*Double diff.cross section d2σ/dΩ/dE of particle specified
,DA/DE/DE,*/*/* Triple diff.cross section d3σ/dΩ(*1)/dE(*2)/dE(*3)
,DA/KE,*Kinetic energy of fission fragment specified with respect to angle
,DA/TMP,*Differential cross section, temperature dependent
,DA/TYA,PDifferential cross section with respect to Treiman-Yang angle
,DA2/DE2,*/*Quadruple differential cross section
,DEEnergy spectrum of outgoing particles
,DE,*Energy spectrum of particle specified
,DPDiff. cross section with respect to linear momentum
,ENResonance energy
,ETANeutron yield (η)
,ETA/NU η/ν
,FM/DAAngular distribution, of 1st kind
,FM2/DASpin-polarization probability of 1st kind
,INTCross-section integral over incident energy
,IPADiff.cs integrated over partial angular range
,IPA/DEDouble-diff.cs integr.over partial ang.range
,IPA/DPDouble-diff.cs d2/dp/dΩ integr.over partial ang.range
,IPP/DADouble-diff.cs d2/dp/dΩ int.over
,JSpin J
,KE,*Kinetic energy of fission fragments specified
,KE/CRL,LF/HFTotal kinetic energy of light/heavy frag. pair
,KEM,*Temp.of Maxwell.distr.of outgoing particles
,KEP,*Most probable kinetic energy of outgoing particles
,KERKerma factor
,LMomentum l
,LDPLevel density parameter
,MCOLinear momentum correlation
,MLTMultiplicity of outgoing particle
,MLT,*Multiplicity of particle specified
,MLT/DAParticle multiplicity d/dΩ
,MLT/DEParticle multiplicity d/dE
,NUTotal neutron yield (ν)
,PHSRelative phase
,PNDelayed neutron emission probability
,POLSpin-polarization probability
,POL,*Spin-polarization probability of particle specified
,POL/DASpin-polarization probability dσ/dΩ
,POL/DA,*Diff. spin-polarization probability dσ/dΩ of particle specified
,POL/DA/DA/DE,,ANAAnalyzing power dΩ1/dΩ2/dE1
,POL/DA/ angle and energy
,POL/DA/DE,,ANAAnalyzing power / dE
,POL/DA2/DE2,*/*,ANAAnalyzing power d4/dΩ(*)/dΩ(*)/dE(*)/dE(*)
,POL/DT,,ANA Analyzing power with respect to 4-momentum transfer
,PYProduct yield
,PY/DADifferential product yield d/dΩ
,PY/DA/DEDifferential product yield d/dΩ/dE
,PY/IPAProduct yield d/dΩ, integrated over partial angular range
,RADScattering radius
,RIResonance integral
,SCOSpin-cut-off factor
,SGVReaction rate (s*velocity)
,SIFSelf-indication function
,SIF/TMPTemperature-dependent self-indication function
,SIGCross section
,SIG,*Cross section for production of particle specified
,SIG/RATCross section ratio
,SIG/TMPTemperature-dependent cross section
,SPCGamma spectrum
,SPC/DAGamma spectrum as function of angle
,STFStrength function
,SWGStatistical weight factor g
,TEMNuclear temperature
,TRN/TMPTransmission, temperature dependent
,TTTThick-target yield per unit time
,TTT/DAThick-target yield per unit time dY/dΩ
,TTYThick-target yield
,TTY/DADifferential thick target yield dY/dΩ
,TTY/DA/DEDifferential thick target yield dY/dΩ/dE
,TTY/DEDifferential thick target yield dY/dE
,TTY/MLT Particle multiplicity for thick target, as fct. of beam current
,TTY/MLT/DAThick target particle multiplicity d/dΩ, as fct. of beam current
,TTY/MLT/DA/DEThick target particle multiplicity d2/dΩ/dE, as fct. of beam current
,TTY/MLT/DEThick target particle multiplicity d/dE, as fct. of beam current
,TTY/PY Thick-target product yield, as fct. of beam current
,TTY/PY/DA Thick-target product yield d/dΩ, as fct. of beam current
,TTY/PY/DA/DE Thick-target product yield d2/dΩ/dE, as fct. of beam current
,WIDResonance width, Γ
,WID/REDReduced width, Γ0
,WID/STRResonance strength
,ZPMost probable charge of fission products
1,WIDResonance width for channel 1
2,DEEnergy spectrum of 2nd secondary particle
2,WIDResonance width for channel 2
3,WIDResonance width for channel 3
4,WIDResonance width for channel 4
BA,AMPBound-atom scattering amplitude
BA,SIGBound-atom cross section
BA,SIG/TMPBound-atom cross section, temperature dependent
BA/COH,AMPBound-atom coherent scattering amplitude
BA/PAR,AMPPartial bound-atom scattering amplitude
BIN,AKE,*Average kinetic energy of fission fragment specified
BIN,AP,*Most prob. mass of fission fragment specified in binary fission
BIN,SIGBinary fission cross section
BIN/TER,DA/RAT,*Binary/ternary differential dist. dσ/dΩ of fission fragment specified
BIN/TER,SIG/RATBinary/ternary cross section ratio
CHG,FYTotal element yield of fission products
CHG,FY/DETotal element fission yield, differential dY/d(fragment energy)
CHN,FYTotal chain yield of fission products
CHN,FY/DETotal chain fission yield, differential dY/d(fragment energy)
CHN,SIGTotal chain yield cross section f. fission products
CN,DADifferential cross section dσ/dΩ, compound nucleus contribution
CN,FYFission-product yield, compound nucleus contribution
CN,NUν, compound nucleus contribution
CN,PYProduct yield, compound nucleus contribution
CN,SIGCross section, compound nucleus contribution
CN/PAR,SIGPartial cross section, compound nucleus contribution
COH,AMPCoherent scattering amplitude
COH,SIGCoherent cross section
CON,SIGProduction cross section for continuous gammas
CUM,FYCumulative fission-product yield
CUM,FY/RATCummulative fission-product yield isomeric ratio
CUM/TER,FYCumulative fission product yield for ternary fission
DI,DADifferential c/s dσ/dΩ, direct interaction contribution
DI,DA/DEDouble diff. c/s d2σ/dΩ/dE, direct interaction contribution
DI,DEEnergy spectrum of outgoing particles, direct interaction contrib..
DI,SIGCross section, direct interaction contribution
DIS,SIGProduction cross section for discrete gammas
DL,AKE,*Average kinetic energy of delayed particle specified
DL,DE,*Delayed energy spectrum of particle specified
DL,NUDelayed neutron yield
DL,SIG,*Delayed emission cross section of particle specified
DL,SPCIntensity of delayed gammas
DL/GRP,AKE,NAverage kinetic energy for specific delayed neutron group
DL/GRP,DE,N Energy spectrum for specific delayed neutron group
DL/GRP,NU Delayed neutron yield for given half-life group
DL/GRP,SIG,NDelayed neutron emission cs for given half-life group
DL/PAR,AKE,*Average kinetic energy for specified delayed particle group
DL/PAR,DE,*Energy spectrum for specific delayed particle group
DL/PAR,NUPartial yield of delayed neutrons
DL/PAR,SIG,*Partial delayed emission cross section for particle specified
EM,DAParticle emission angular distribution
EM,DA/DEDouble differential emission cross section, dσ/dΩ/dE
EM,DEParticle emission energy spectrum
EM,POL/DA/DE,,ANAAnalyzing power / dE for particle emission
EM,SIGEmission cross section (excluding elastic scattering)
EM/PAR,POL/DAPartial emission diff.spin-polar.prob.
EP,DAPartial differential cross section dσ/dΩ for electric polarity
EP,SIGCross section for electric polarity
EP/PAR,INTCross section integral over incident energy for electric polarity
FA,AMPFree-atom scattering amplitude
FA,SIGFree-atom cross section
FA,SIG/TMPFree-atom cross section, temperature dependent
FA/COH,SIGFree-atom coherent scattering cross section
FA/INC,SIGFree-atom incoherent scattering cross section
FIS, of outg.part.for high en.fission
FIS,SIGPartial cross section due to high-energy fission
HEN,SIG'High-energy' component of cross section
INC,AMPIncoherent scattering amplitude
INC,SIGIncoherent scattering cross section
IND,FYIndependent fission yield
IND,FY,*Independent yield of particle specified from prompt fission prod.
IND,FY/DEDifferential independent fission yield dY/d(fragment energy)
IND,FY/RAIndependent fission yield ratio
IND/TER,FYIndependent fission yield for ternary fission
LEN,SIG'Low-energy' component of cross section
LON,POL,,DSP/ASYSpin-spin asymmetry for longitud. spin states
LON,POL/DA,,ANA Longitudinal analyzing power A(z)
LON,SIG,,DSP Cs diff.(longit.spins, parallel - antiparallel)
LON,SIG,,SS Spin-spin cs, longitudinal to beam direction
LP,DPDiff. cs with respect to longitudinal secondary momentum
LP,IPA/DPCross section,integr.over part. ang.range
MAS,FY Mass yield of fission fragments as sum of independent yields
MP,SIGCross section for magnetic polarity given
MP,STFStrength function for magnetic polarity given
NUM,NU Probability for emission of N neutrons
NUM,PY Probab. for the production of N product particles
NUM,SIG,* Cross section for production of specified no. of particle specified
PAR,DP,*+*Diff.cs with respect to secondary momentum of particle pair
PAR,FY/DE,LF/HFFission product yield at given light and heavy fragment energy
PAR,INT/DA,*Integral over incident en. of partial diff. c/s, dσ/dΩ, of particle specified
POT,RADPotential scattering radius
POT,SIGPotential scattering cross section
PR,AKE,NAverage kinetic energy of prompt neutrons
PR,AKE/DE,N/FFAverage energy of prompt neutrons dep.on fiss.fragment energy
PR,COR,N/NAngular correlation of prompt neutrons
PR,COR/DE,N/FFAngle-energy correlation of prompt neutrons with fission fragments
PR,DA,*Differential cross section, dσ/dΩ of prompt particles
PR,DA/DE,NDouble differential cross section of prompt neutrons, d2σ/dΩ/dE
PR,DE,NEnergy spectrum of prompt fission neutrons
PR,KE/CRL,N/HFEnergy correlation neutron / heavy fission fragment
PR,KEM,NTemperature of Maxwellian distribution of prompt neutrons
PR,NUPrompt neutron yield (νp)
PR,NU/DE,FFNo.of prompt neutrons emitted by fiss. fragments of given E
PR/NUM,NU Probability for emission of N prompt neutrons
PR,SIGPrompt cross section
PR,SPCIntensity of prompt gammas
PR/PAR,NUPartial prompt neutron yield (νp)
PR/TER,DA,NAng.dist.of prompt neutrons from ternary fission
PR/TER,NUPrompt ν for ternary fission
PR/TER,NU/DE,APrompt ν for ternary fission as a function of alpha energy
PR/TER,SPCPrompt gamma spectrum from ternary fission
PRE,AKE,*Average kinetic energy of fragment specified
PRE,AKE/DA,FFAverage kinetic energy of primary fragm., function of angle
PRE,AP,*Most probable mass, pre-neutron-emission, of fragment specified
PRE,AP/DA,FFCentr.of mass distr. of primary fiss.fragm.,dep. on angle
PRE,DA,*Differential cross section, dσ/dΩ, of primary fragments specified
PRE,DA/KE,*Kinetic energy distribribution, dσ/dΩ, of primary fragment specified
PRE,DA/TMP,FFAng. distr. of primary fiss. fragm., temperature dependent
PRE,DE,*Energy spectrum of primary fragments specified
PRE,FYPrimary fission yield
PRE,FY/CRLPrimary fission product yield of correlated fragment pairs
PRE,FY/DEPrimary fission yield dY/d(kinetic energy)
PRE,KE,*Kinetic energy of primary fragments specified
PRE,KE/CRL,*/*Total kinetic energy of primary fragment pair
PRE/BIN,FYPrimary fission yield, binary fission
PRE/TER,AKE/CRL,A/ of ternary alphas correl.with
PRE/TER,FYPrimary fission yield, ternary fission
PRE/TER,KE/CRL,FF/AEnergy correlation prim.fragment/tern.alphas
PRE/TER,KEP/CRL,A/FFMost probable energy of alphas correl.with
PRE/TER/PAR,FY/CRL,A/FFYield of alphas of
QTR,FYFission-product yield, quaternary fission
QTR,KE Kinetic energy for quaternary fission
SEC,AKE,FFAverage kinetic energy of post-neutron-emission fragment
SEC,AP,*Most probable mass of post-neutron-emission fragment specified
SEC,FYPost-neutron-emission fission yield
SEC,FY/CRL Post-neutron-emission yield of correl.fragm.pairs
SEC,FY/DE,HF Post-neutr.emiss.heavy fiss.fragm.yield ,
SEC,ZP Most probable charge of fission fragment, post-neutron-emission
SEC/CHN,FYPre-delayed-neutron chain yield
SEC/CHN,FY/DEPre-delayed-neutron chain yield dY/d(kinetic energy)
SPL,AKEAverage kinetic energy of spallation products
SPL,SIG Partial cross section due to spallation
TER,AKE,*Average kinetic energy of particle specified, ternary fission
TER,APMost probable mass of fragment, ternary fission
TER,AP,*Most prob. mass of ternary fission fragment specified
TER,COR,*/*Angular correlation of particle *1 & particle *2, ternary fission
TER,DA,*Differential cross section, dσ/dΩ, of particle specified, ternary fission
TER,DA/DE,*Double-diff. cross sect. d2Ω/dσ/dE of particle spec., ternary fission
TER,DA/KE,*Kinetic energy distrib., dEkin/dΩ, of particle specified, ternary fission
TER,DE,*Energy spectrum of particle specified, ternary fission
TER,FYFission yield, ternary fission
TER,FY,*Fission yield of fragment specified, ternary fission
TER,FY/CRL,*/*F (particle)/(fragment) correl., ternary fission
TER,KE Kinetic energy for ternary fission
TER,KEP,* Most probable of ternary fission particle
TER,SIGCross section, ternary fission
TER,SIG,*Cross section of particle specified, ternary fission
TER,ZPMost probable charge of fragment, ternary fission
TER/BIN,FY/RAT,*Ternary/binary fission particle yield ratio
TER/BIN,SIG/RATTernary/binary fission cross section ratio
TER/CHG,FYTotal element yield of,ternary fiss.
TER/PAR,MLT,G/LCPGamma mult.,tern.fiss.with light charged given
TP,DPDiff.cs transv.secondary momentum
TRS,POL/DA,,ANA Transverse vector analyzing power, A(x)
TRS,SIG,,DSP Cs difference (transv.spins, parallel - antiparallel)
UNW,INT Unweighted prod.cs integral over
UNW,SIG Unweighted production cross section
 Last Updated: 09/14/2023 12:30:51