?e.g. 99tc, put m in the side field for metastable, tick the checkbox for any product
all products
? particle hitting the target
p D α T 3He
?e.g. 100MO, put only MO for natural, use composition for custom input
?Allowed values : (0,100)
blank to use the default value

 blank = default
[mm]   [mg/cm2 ]
?Allowed values: (0,100]
Input either the Target thickness or the Exit energy (energy of the beam after traversing the Target,)
?Allowed values: [0, 200]
Input either the Target thickness or the Exit energy (energy of the beam after traversing the Target, 0 for thick-target)
?Allowed values: (0, 200]
Energy of the projectile
Incident energy scan
?Activity for incident energy range. Fix the thickness or the exit energy
≤ E ≤ ΔE:
d h m
d h m
IAEA + TENDL         


Medical Isotope Browser
pick one example to start
1 Incident - Exit energies
2 Energy scan
3 Composite target
4 Incident energy - Thickness, and user σ
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Telephone: (+431) 2600-0
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