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Th-232 (last updated on 22 September 2006)

Graphical comparison of EXFOR data with ENDF files (updated on 28 February 2006)

Source ENDF files and processed files:


!!! NEW!!! Version “i3c6” supersedes all previous versions. Only the covariance data were changed.

WARNING:  There was a processing error in generating the ACE files for MCNP. The error is now corrected.

-        ENDF file (version i3c6, 22 September 2006)

-        ACE file (version i3c2, compressed, 16 June 2006)

-        MATXS file (version i3c2, compressed, 16 June 2006)

-        PLOTS (from ACER in pdf format, 16 June 2006)



-         ENDF (version-i3z2, 19 January 2006),

-         ENDF (version-i3t1, 11 August 2005),

-         ENDF (version-i3u, 14 October 2005),

-         ACE (version-i3t1,compressed, 11 August 2005),

-         ACE (version-i3u, compressed, 14 October 2005),

-         PLOTS (from ACER, 22 September 2005),

-         NOTES(on evaluation and processing, 11 August 2005),

  • JENDL-3.3

-         ENDF,

  • CENDL-3

-         ENDF

  • Minsk file (V. Maslov)

-         ENDF file (V. Maslov)

  • BROND-3 (A. Ignatyuk et al)

-         ENDF (A. Ignatyuk et al.)

To view the files you must download the ZVVIEW package from the IAEA-NDS web page.


·        List of candidate benchmarks (Extended)

·        Draft report on analysis of ICSBEP benchmarks (New: 13 October 2005)


 Last Updated: 07/14/2015 06:39:51