A-5. Actinide data: Thermal neutron cross sections, resonance integrals, and Westcott factors |
Nuclide |
Type |
Cross Section σx [barn] |
Westcott Factor g |
Resonance Integral RI [barn] |
Source |
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Notation |
σ0 | Neutron cross section at 2200 m/s. |
σ | Neutron cross section measured in a Maxwellian spectrum. |
σr | Neutron cross section measured with reactor neutrons. |
σc | Neutron cross section calculated from resonance parameters or derived from equivalent data of the natural element. |
σ(m) | Neutron cross section leading to a metastable state of the product. |
σ(g) | Neutron cross section leading to the ground state of the product. |
g | Westcott factor: ratio of the Maxwellian averaged cross section σ to 2200 m/s cross section σ0 (g = σ/σ0 ). If the cross section varies as a function of 1/v, g = 1.0. |
RI | Infinite dilution resonance integral (including the 1/v contribution). |
γ | Subscript for radiative capture cross section. |
f | Subscript for fission cross section. |
References |
S. F. Mughabghab, Atlas of Neutron Resonances, Resonance Parameters and Thermal Cross Sections, Z = 1 - 100, 5th Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006. |
U.S. Evaluated Nuclear Data Library ENDF/B-VII β1, http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/exfor7/endf00.htm, 2 October 2006; see also M. B. Chadwick et al., ENDF/B-VII.0 : Next Generation Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for Nuclear Science and Technology, Nucl. Data Sheets 107 (2006) 2931. |
JEFF-3.1 |
Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File, Incident-neutron data, http://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/endf00.htm, 2 October 2006; see also A. Koning, R. Forrest, M. Kellett, R. Mills, H. Henriksson, Y. Rugama, The JEFF-3.1 Nuclear Data Library, JEFF Report 21, OECD/NEA, Paris, France, 2006, ISBN 92-64-02314-3. |
TRK-05 |
A. Trkov, G.L. Molnár, Zs. Révay, S.F. Mughabghab, R.B. Firestone, V.G. Pronyaev, A.L. Nichols, M.C. Moxon, Revisiting the 238U Thermal Capture Cross Section and Gamma-ray Emission Probabilities from 239Np Decay, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 150 (2005) 336. |
Notes |
[1] Data adopted from ANR; no uncertainty available for Westcott factors. [2] Data adopted from ANR; gγ factor was calculated from fission and absorption cross-section data. [3] All data adopted from ANR. [4] Cross-section data and resonance integral adopted from ANR; Westcott factors without uncertainties calculated from the ENDF/B-VII library. [5] Cross-section data and resonance integral adopted from ANR; Westcott factor without uncertainty calculated from the JEFF-3.1 library; RI = 296 barns in the ENDF/B-VII library. [6] Thermal cross-section data adopted from TRK-05 (value of 2.680 ± 0.019 barns reported in ANR), and gγand resonance integral take from ANR; no uncertainty available for Westcott factor. [7] Cross-section adopted from ANR; Westcott factors without uncertainties and resonance integrals calculated from the ENDF/B-VII library; a relative uncertainty of 20% is recommended. [8] Data adopted from ANR; no uncertainty available for the gγ factor. [9] Data adopted from ANR; gγ factor without uncertainty was calculated from the ENDF/B-VII library; resonance integral for radiative capture reported in ANR without uncertainty; a relative uncertainty of 20% is recommended. [10] Data adopted from ANR; gf factor without uncertainty was calculated from the ENDF/B-VII library. [11] σγ and resonance integrals adopted from ANR; σf < 5 barns is reported in ANR; values of 3 and 5 barns are given in the ENDF/B-VII and the JEFF-3.1 libraries, respectively; Westcott factors without uncertainties were calculated from the JEFF-3.1 library. |
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