B-1. Half-lives and decay branching fractions for fission products |
Nuclide |
Half-life 1 y = 1 year = 365.24219878 days |
Decay mode and branching fraction |
Source | Notes |
References |
BIPM-5 |
M.-M. Bé, V. Chisté, C. Dulieu, E. Browne, V. Chechev, N. Kuzmenko, R. Helmer, A. Nichols, E. Schönfeld, R. Dersch, Monographie BIPM-5, Table of Radionuclides, Vol. 2 - A = 151 to 242, 2004. |
Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel, Recommended Data, http://www.nucleide.org/DDEP_WG/DDEPdata.htm, 16 January 2006. |
M.-M. Bé, V.P. Chechev, R. Dersch, O.A.M. Helene, R.G. Helmer, M. Herman, S. Hlavác, A. Marcinkowski, G.L. Molnár, A.L. Nichols, E. Schönfeld, V.R. Vanin, M.J. Woods, IAEA CRP "Update of X-ray and Gamma-ray Decay Data Standards for Detector Calibration and Other Applications", IAEA Scientific and Technical Information report STI/PUB/1287, May 2007, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 92-0-113606-4. |
Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, http://www-nds.iaea.org/ensdf/, 26 January 2006. |
Notes |
[1] β- decay branches of 0.9982 &plusminus; 0.0002 to Kr-85m and 0.0018 &plusminus; 0.0002 to Kr-85. [2] ENSDF branching fractions: 0.944 ± 0.007 for IT and 0.056 ± 0.007 for β-. [3] β- decay branch of 0.0288 &plusminus; 0.0002 to Xe-133m. [4] Branching fractions were averaged from ENSDF database. [5] Branching fractions were adopted from ENSDF database. [6] Branching fractions were adopted from LNHB data. |
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