Incorporated codes
Physics codes
- ECIS Coupled-Channels, DWBA and spherical optical model code by J. Raynal
- OPTMAN Coupled-Channels and DWBA code by E.S. Soukhovitskii
- CCFUS simplified Coupled-Channels calculation of HI fusion cross section by C.H. Dasso and S. Landowne
- ORION & TRISTAN TUL approach to Multi-step Direct by H. Lenske
- DDHMS Hybrid Monte-Carlo Simulation of the preequilibrium emission by M.B. Chadwick (extended by B.V. Carlson)
- BARMOM fission barriers and moments of inertia by A. Sierk
Utility codes
- Calc_Cov - calculates covariances from EMPIRE calculations with randomized parameters
- C4SORT - sorts experimental data in the computational format file
- CHECKR - ENDF-6 format checking
- CS2ZVD - creates zvd plots of cross sections directly from the EMPIRE output
- EMPEND - converts EMPIRE results into the ENDF-6 format
- ENDF33ZVD - converts ENDF-6 formatted covariances (MF33) into ZVD file for plotting by ZVView
- ENDRES - merges resonace parameters from empire/data/BNL-325 into the ENDF-6 formatted file containing
EMPIRE results to produce full evaluation
- FIZCON - more ENDF-6 format checking
- KALMAN - Kalman filter code for adjusting parameters and producing covariances
- KERCEN - Kernel approximation code for producing covariances in thermal and resonance region (stand alone)
- LSTTAB - tabulates ENDF and EXFOR data in PLOTTAB format
- MRGMAT - merges evaluations for different materials into single ENDF-6 file (stand alone)
- PLOTC4 - plots the comparison between calculated and experimental data
- PLTLST - prepares list of possible plots by matching existing experimental data against calculations
- PREPRO - sett of utility codes developed by Red Cullen
- FIXUP - reconstructs missing MT sections
- LEGEND - calculates linearly interpolable angular distributions
- LINEAR - makes all interpolations schemes in ENDF-6 file (MF=3) linear
- RECENT - reconstructs resonace region from the resonace parameters
- SIGMA1 - Doppler broadens neutron resonances
- STANEF - standardizes ENDF-6 formatted file
- PSYCHE - ENDF-6 file physics checking
- RESONANCE - EMPIRE resonance module - reads data from Atlas of Neutron Resonances to produce MF=2 and 32 (includes GUI)
- SIXTAB - converts ENDF file MF6 into Law 7 representation
- X4TOC4 - converts retrieved EXFOR data into the computational format
- ZVView - interactive plots of angular distributions, energy spectra and double-differential cross sections

Web: Michal Herman
Last Modified: Last Updated: 04/21/2021 06:22:10