Capture of Malta in 1798 |
What's new (Change-Log)
Previous versions:
Changes in version 3.2 with respect to 3.1
December 2013
- PFNS implemented, Los Alamos and Kornilov (1st chance fission)
- Angular distributions for compound elastic and inelastics
- Plotting of PFNS, mu-bars, and nu-bars
- Covariances for PFNS, mu-bars, and nu-bars
- Simulation of the Engelbrecht-Weidenmuller transformation. Change in inelastic compensated by changing the compound elastic
- Including gamma and fission transmission coefficients calculated by EMPIRE into ECIS compound calculation
- Kalbach parameterizations for breakup and transfer reactions of complex projectiles
- Nobre's deformation systematics
- Astrophysical S-factor (A. Palumbo)
- All physics constants updated to CODATA 2010 set
- Fixing fluctuations due to the gap between the last level and the continuum
- Improving x-sec and energy balance
- Minor problems in DWBA calculation with closed channels corrected
- New zvview2-1.020
- Upgrade to plot cross sections at fixed angles for neutrons
- DDHMS multiple emission spectra and DDX's in CM
- Inclusive DDX's implemented for ENDF=0
- First ports to Fortran90 (kalend.f90, kalman.f90, genkal.f90, newinp.f90)
- Improved gfortran compatibility
- Improved makefiles
- Improved support for assimilation procedure
- Improved qsubEmpire.py for running on cluster
- Add tab in Xrun.tcl that applies Kalman results back to Empire input file
- New IO subroutines for ENDF-6
- Making line numbers in ENDF files optional

Changes in version 3.1 with respect to 2.19
Sao Jose dos Campos, June 2011
- Coupled-Channel code OPTMAN imlemented to allow soft-rotor potentials (R. Capote)
- New parametrization of EGSM level densities (EGSM = Enhanced/EMPIRE Generalized Superfluid Model)(M. Herman)
- New fission model (Phys. Rev. C77(2008)054601) implemented
- RIPL-3 updates (R. Capote)
- Discrete levels library
- Optical model parameters
- Microscopic level densities (HFBCS) with parity dependence
- ECIS-2006 implemented (R. Capote)
- DWBA calculations on odd nuclei (discrete levels embedded in the continuum only) (R. Capote)
- ECIS subroutine modified to allow use of dispersive potentials with different geometry of the imaginary and real parts (R. Capote)
- Several bash scripts converted to Python, new empy directory of Python scripts added (C. Mattoon)
- Parallelization via splitting regular input into series of single-energy inputs using Python script (C. Mattoon)
- Prompt fission neutron spectra including post-fission neutrons emitted from fully accelerated fragments (Los Alamos or Kornilov model) (M. Sin, R. Capote)
- MSD-model extended to deformed nuclei (H. Wienke)
- Recursive treatment of transmission through multi-hump fission barrier (M. Sin, R. Capote)
- Moments of inertia (spin distribution parameter) controlled from the input
- Six ejectiles (n, p, alpha, g, d, t, 3He) + arbitrary light ion; includes ENDF-6 for- matting (Capote, Trkov)
- Calculation, formatting and plotting of isomers (M. Herman, A. Trkov)
- DDHMS preequilibrium model extended to produce exclusive spectra (B. Carlson)
- Primary capture gammas isolated and printed separately (R. Capote)
- GUI assisted OMP fitting (B. Carlson)
- Resonance module added (Young-Sik Cho)
- Parameters from Atlas of Neutron Resonances => MF2
- Parameter uncertainties => MF32
- Reproducing thermal cross section uncertainties
- Inclusion of arbitrary correlations among gamma-widths and among neutron- widths
- Kernel approximation (KERCEN code) for estimating covariances in the resoance region (P. Oblozinsky, Young-Sik Cho)
- Covariance generation capabilities using Monte Carlo approach (R. Capote)
- Covariance generation capabilities using Kalman filter (M. Herman, T. Kawano)
- Correlated sampling in Monte Carlo (R. Capote)
- Scaling factor in Kalman filter (M. Herman)
- PREPRO2007 updated to PREPRO2010 (A. Trkov)
- Library of neutron resonances updated to ENDF/B-VII.0
- Checking codes updated (A. Trkov)
- Use average radiation width, neutron width, and resonance spacing, to create fake resonance file (MF=2) (A. Trkov)
- EXFOR library updated to January 2011 version
- MySQL based EXFOR retrieval system moved to more robust FORTRAN implementation (M. Herman, R. Capote)
- Parity dependent level densities (HFBCS available) (R. Capote)
- Upgrade of ZVView package with 2-D and 3-D plotting of covariance matrices(V. Zerkin)

Changes in version 2.19beta with respect to 2.18
Brookhaven, March 2005
- Error in the Wilmore-Hodgson omp corrected. VOM(4,
Nejc, Nnuc) set to -0.0018 instead of -0.00018. This
coefficient was also found to be wrong in the
preliminary version of RIPL-2 (M. Herman).
- MSD is automatically turned off for non-nucleon
incident reactions (M. Herman).
- Internal conversion coefficients included in the
gamma cascade between discrete levels (ICC data from
RIPL-2)(M. Herman).
- Bug in reading branching ratios from the RIPL-2 file
corrected (emission probabilities instead of
branching ratios were used in the previous RIPL-2
versions) (R. Capote).
- Bug in DEGAS resulting in lack of the preequilibrium
population in the Compound Nucleus continuum
corrected (bug has been introduced in version 2.18)
(E. Betak).
- ENDRES code and BNL-325 file with resonance
parameters added in order to merge resonance
parameters into the final ENDF file (also dxsend.f
has been updated) (A. Trkov).
- LINEAR and RECENT utility codes added in order to
reconstruct cross sections from the resonance
parameters and enable plotting (M. Herman & A. Trkov).
- Some potentially empty files removed if actually
empty (M. Herman).
- run, runE, format and plot scripts modified to avoid
double coding (M. Herman).
- Processing with FIXUP split into two runs to avoid
redundant data in the final ENDF file (reconstruction
of 203 and 207 postponed to the second run) (M. Herman).
- Last energy point in the gamma spectra from capture
included in the file *.out with energy of the CN
excitation energy and respective cross section scaled
to preserve spectrum integral.
- Option for manual OMP fitting added to the new GUI
(M. Herman).
- PSYCHE added to the chain of utility codes (M. Herman).
- Spectral energies for ENDF formatting printed in
F10.5 instead of F9.4 format to improve accuracy (M. Herman).
- EMPEND revised to eliminate some undesired entries
in the ENDF file (A. Trkov).
- Fission with under-barrier effects in terms of
optical model for fission implemented (R. Capote,
M.Herman, M. Sin, and A. Ventura).
- Reactions on excited targets (M. Herman).
- PostScript (and eps) files produced from within ZVV
viewer are stored in the work directory with a name
following standard convention (M. Herman).
- 'mb' printed after gamma emission intensity of
discrete transitions in oder to be able to plot
respective excitation functions directly from the
EMPIRE output (*.lst) (M. Herman).
- 'zvpl' script for direct plotting from the EMPIRE
output modified. Additional window to paste a pattern
is being opened. A bit more cumbersome than before
but more reliable. Before, many patterns were
misunderstood due to skipping blanks in the pattern
and garbage plot was produced (M. Herman).
- Maximum number of aliases in c4sort.f increased to 200.
- 'reaction' and 'titles' files used by X4TOC4
corrected and extended to cover proton induced
reactions (still needs a consistent check) (M. Herman).
- On-line retrieval of the EXFOR data from the remote
database implemented. At the moment works only at
nuclear data centers but will be extended to reading
from the EXFOR CD-ROM (V. Zerkin & M. Herman).
- Spectra for the ENDF formatting printed also for
the proton induced reactions (M. Herman).
- File 'titles' in x4toc4 modified to treat properly
min and max bin energies in the emission spectra (M. Herman).
- Correction to DEGAS regarding flux conservation (E. Betak).
- X4TOC4 replaced with the version available from
ENDVER (version 2001-8) (A. Trkov).
- sixtab.f and dxsend.f modified to enable processing
of more advanced formatting used in the recent LANL
evaluations (discrete gamma's are still not processed
correctly in such cases) (A. Trkov).
- Archives directories moved from inside 'work' to
'empire' to make 'work' more manageable (change
inside Xrun.tcl) (M. Herman).
- Retrieval of EXFOR data from the relational MySQL
database - opens access to the periodically updated
EXFOR library issued by the IAEA-NDS on CD-ROMs (V.
Zerkin, M. Herman).
- Preequilibrium emission of clusters
(Iwamoto-Harada) coded by R. Capote (PCROSS module).
- Xrun.tcl GUI updated: selective delete, access to
fission input, and generation of three piece-wise
input templates (M. Herman).
- ZVView updated to the zvv97l.exe version (V. Zerkin).
- Spectra of recoils calculated using new algorithm
instead of a rough approximation used before (M. Herman).
- Pre-fission spectra of particles printed in *.out
for ENDF formating (M. Herman).
- Zerkin's GUI allowing for customized EXFOR
retrieval can be started from the EMPIRE GUI (M. Herman).
- Confirmation dialogs added to GUI for all 'delete'
buttons (M. Herman).
- CHECKR added to the chain of utility codes (M. Herman).
- FIZCON added to the chain of utility codes (M. Herman).
- STANEF added to the chain of utility codes (M. Herman).
- Printing particle spectra in the *.out output of
EMPIRE rearanged so that transitions to the discrete
levels are printed first with negative energies and
end points of the spectra are indicated by repeating
the line.
- EMPEND adjusted to accept format of p.41 above -
improves energy balance above reaction thresholds (A. Trkov).
- Suite of gamma-strength functions from RIPL-2 coded
by Plujko and implemented by R. Capote and M. Herman.
- Reaction/MT-number conversion table for X4TOC4
updated to include gammas in the incident channel (A.
Trkov & M. Herman).
- Ordering error in ENDF/MF12 corrected in EMPEND (A. Trkov).
- Quasideuteron photoabsorption added by B. Carlson.
- Formating of photonuclear reactions added to EMPEND
(A. Trkov).
- X4TOC4 updated by A. Trkov.
- Fixed energy balance in exclusive spectra by
including missing gamma-ray transitions in the ENDF
file (levels without branching ratio assumed to decay
to the ground state) (M. Herman).
- Scripts moved to the empire/scripts/ directory
allowing for multiple working directories (M. Herman).
- Run section in the GUI redisigned to allow for free
selection of modules to run (M. Herman).
- Comparison plots including an arbitrary ENDF-6 file
possible also for spectra and double-differential
cross sections (M. Herman).
- Numerical procedure for determining experimental
coupling constants, used for construction of QRPA
response funtions, in MSD-tristan/inelas modified in
order to reduce fluctuations with incident energy (H. Wienke).
- ECIS03 converted into subroutine by R. Capote.
- SCAT2 replaced by ECIS03 (R. Capote).
- ENDRES updated by A. Trkov.
- Post Script plots produced by ZVView improved (V. Zerkin).

Changes in version 2.18
with respect to 2.17.1
Vienna, October 2002
- Bug fixed in reading levels file when preparing collective levels
ECIS (R. Capote).
- Bug fixed in reading Coulomb parameters of o.m.p. from the RIPL-2
(affects charged particle channels)(R. Capote).
- Relativistic correction in tl.f removed (gamma=1). It is not needed
SCAT2 and ECIS take care of it (R. Capote).
- Bug in EMPEND, which caused skipping the last but one energy point
(A. Trkov).
- EMPEND formats branching ratios in the ENDF file (A. Trkov).
- xterm closes when calculations are done as it was in download.html
2.17 and
earlier (p.3.iii below removed) since it was inconvenient for running
piece-wise and multiple calculations(M. Herman).
- gamma-strength function uses a temperature consistent with the
level densities for the final state (not for the initial one as
coded before) (M. Herman).
- Beta version of the new GUI (Xrun.tcl) added (M. Herman).
- Corrected renormalization of the absorption cross section in DEGAS
(E. Betak).
- Corrected way of restricting exciton configurations used in DEGAS
(E. Betak).
- Maximum number of excitons used in DEGAS set to 5 (3 configurations)
(M. Herman).
- PLOTC4 updated by A. Trkov to produce gamma-spectra (continuum
from the capture reaction has not yet been included).
- Bugs in PLOTC4 fixed by A. Trkov. PLOTC4 tested on Linux with g77
Absoft90 ver. 7.0 compilers and on Ms Windows with Lahey 75.
- If discrete levels are inconsistent with Gilbert-Cameron level
and LEVFIT is non-negative calculations are continued using nuclear
temperature taken from the systematics. Appropriate massage is
printed and
cumulative plot displayed (without blocking further calculations)
(M. Herman).
- Bug in empire-specific level densities at very high energies (close
to 200 MeV)
when level density exceeds capacity of the 32-bit word has been fixed
ignoring fit to the discrete levels (unfortunately in all nuclei)
(M. Herman).
- File Ko in tl.f is rewound to avoid messages that particular omp is
found in the local file (M. Herman).
- Number of iterations when fitting discrete levels with
Gilbert-Cameron level
densities limited to 300 to avoid the possibility of infinite loop
(M. Herman).
- Z=105 name changed to 'Db'; thanks to Erik Strub for pointing it out
(M. Herman).
- Problem with the discontinuity of neutron capture cross section when
incident energy becomes lower than the integration bin width has been
solved. Capture cross sections, even at very low energies (<10
keV) can now
be calculated even with as few as 50 energy bins (M. Herman).
- All collective levels are used in ECIS calculations with DIRECT=1,2,
even if
they can not be excited because of the too low incident energy. In
previous download.html only open channels were considered and
coupling to the
closed ones was ignored (R. Capote).
- Minor corrections of nuclear masses in EMPEND avoid potentially
loop while the ENDF formatted file is processed by SIXTAB (A. Trkov).
- Thresholds for particle emission channels corrected in EMPEND (A.
- Discrete level library updated to the RIPL-2 version of September
24, 2002).
- LSTTAB corrected to allow for plotting spectra at 90deg with ZVView

Changes in version
2.17.1 with respect to 2.17
Vienna, April 2002
- EXFOR library converted from DOS to UNIX format.
- Bug in reading RIPL-2 discrete levels fixed by R. Capote.
- All scripts modified: (i) all links made symbolic to allow for using
network drives, (ii) ./ added in front of calls (thus ./ is no longer
in the PATH), (iii) xterm remains open after calculations are
so that runtime messages can be inspected (M. Herman).
- GUI background color changed to gray (M. Herman).
- guizvv.tcl for graphical comparison of up to three
(already present in 2.17) modified (nonstandard Tcl/Tk widget
(M. Herman).

Changes in version 2.17
with respect to 2.17beta
Vienna, February 2002
- Bug in adding CN contribution to angular distributions for discrete
levels corrected. Gammas were added to CSAlev(.,.,0) in HF-comp.f
with 0 being out of dimension. Adding of gammas is now blocked.
to V. Plujko for pointing it out.
- PLOTC4 updated by A. Trkov to produce spectra (including
double-differential ones) for outgoing protons and alphas. Structure
of the Post Script files improved.
- RIPL files placed in the empire/RIPL-2 directory following RIPL-2
structure and naming convention (compatibility with the RIPL-2
- Optical model database again updated to the preliminary version form
- EXFOR database updated to the version of 18.05.2001 (NOTE: previous
database will NOT work due to a different directory structure).
- File with levels (14) closed at the end.
- The new 'setup-emp' script assists installation procedure and allows
to use EXFOR library and/or HF-BCS level densities directly from the
CD-ROM without copying them onto the hard disk.
- EMPIRE manual accessible from the GUI ("Help -> EMPIRE manual"

Changes in version
2.17beta with respect to 2.16.2
Vienna, November 2001
- Dispersive optical model potential implemented (SCAT2, ECIS, ORION3)
(R. Capote)
- Optical model database updated to the preliminary version form
(including 4 dispersive omp) (R. Capote)
- Discrete levels database updated to the preliminary version of
(R. Capote)
- Number of discrete levels constituting a complete scheme taken from
the preliminary version of RIPL-2 (R. Capote)
- In all cases elastic is calculated on the 2.5 deg grid while all the
rest on the 10 deg grid. EMPIRE-2.18 inconsistency in elastic
when DIRECT>0 was used removed (M. Herman)
- GUI starts with gvim editor selected by default (M. Herman)
- Two compilation warnings in tl.f fixed (M. Herman)
- Cumulative plots of discrete levels created as a Post Script file
than being dumped onto the screen. Stored as *-cum.ps and available
through GUI (M. Herman)
- Damping of the rotational level density enhancement below BCS
energy made consistent with the one above critical energy. Removes
discontinuity at critical energy for perfectly spherical nuclei
(M. Herman)
- List of warnings available through GUI (M. Herman)
- Tabulated HFBCS levels densities as provided to RIPL-2 by S. Goriely
included as additional level density option (M. Herman)

Changes in version
2.16.2 with respect to 2.16
Vienna, 21 August 2001
- Implementation of the HMS model
completed (needs testing)
- New version of V. Zerkin viewer
(zvv94l.exe) provides eps
format and interaction with plot
titles (use A + right shift)
- Double use of file 33 removed (36
employed in lev-dens.f)

Changes in version 2.16
with respect to 2.15
Vienna, July 2001
- EXFOR retrieval using FORTRAN
instead of UNIX 'grep'
- Fission barrier set to 1000 MeV for
- GDR second hump energy set to 0 for
spherical nuclei
- Temperature in the generalized
Lorentzian protected against 0 excitation energy
- Plotc4.f improved (A. Trkov) to
allow for up to 23 data sets to be drawn
on a single plot. Plotc4 input
modified to include whole energy range.
- Orion calculations performed up to
99% of the maximum energy loss
(instead of 90% that happen to cause
problems with extrapolation to
low outgoing energies)
- Plotc4.f improved (A. Trkov) to
allow for energy spectra and
angular distributions plots.
- Legend and lsttab added for future
improvements but not fully
implemented yet.
- ENDF=2 option added (lumped channel
representation MT=10 or 5).
- Exact treatment of recoil spectra
with ENDF=2 option.
- Call to Monte Carlo preequilibrium
model HMS coded by M.B. Chadwick.
- Exciton model code DEGAS implemented
by P. Oblozinsky
- Fixed bug in flux conservation when
GST option selected but
MSC gamma channel closed.
- New version of SCAT2 introduced by
R. Capote
- Link to ECIS for calculation of the
elastic, absorption and cross
sections to discrete collective
levels within rotational and
vibrational CC model. Includes
automatic selection of collective
levels (R. Capote).
- Link to the omp segment of RIPL
introduced by R. Capote. NOTE: change
in the format and name of the local
file with internal omp. New name
is *-omp.int and two columns are
added in definition of om potentials
(just before radii). RIPL potentials
are stored in the file *-omp.ripl.
- New version of V. Zerkin viewer
- List of RIPL omp added to the GUI
under Help menu
- DWBA option with ECIS added by R.
- pol20, pol21 and pol22 variables in
SCAT2 initialized with 0.
- Bug in ACCUMSD when MSD transitions
to continuum were energetically closed
fixed (seems had no effect on the
- Total cross section added to EXFOR
retrieval and together with fission to
the MT list for ZVView plotting.
- 'zvpl' script added for plotting
excitation function for any cross section
from the main EMPIRE output (*.lst)
- run-piece-wise' script added for
running up to 3 different inputs for the
same case in the 3 non-overlapping
energy ranges (incident energies inside
and among the 3 ranges must
increase monotonically).
- Division by 0 in fitting field
parameters in MSD-tristan.f protected.
- GUI modified to include 'zvpl'
script and allow for merging ZVV plots.
- Form factor for the l=0 transitions
in MSD controlled from the optional
input (default: standard surface
form factor)
- Provision for use of combined
preequilibrium models in a single run.
- 'zvcomb' script added to combine
various existing ZVView plots.
- Utility code manuals and Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) added to
the GUI under Help menu
- Utility code inputs accessible from
the GUI Options menu
- Utility code c4sort added to sort
*.c4 file in ascending energy. Actually,
it is disabled (commented) in run
and runE scripts as it takes long
for large files.

Changes in version 2.15
with respect to 2.14.1
Vienna, November 2000
- Plotting of double differential
cross sections for neutron production
using PLOTC4 (modified by A. Trkov)
added. This involves modification
of EXFOR retrieval (new REAC_SIG.TXT
file, changes in the 'sel' script
and input.f), as well as
modifications in the util/x4toc4/reaction
- Printout of total and shape elastic
cross sections, shape elastic
angular distributions, strength
functions, and scattering radius from
SCAT-2 activated.
- Minimum Tl set to 1.0E-10 to avoid
underflow in the calculations. This limit might be changed in the line
761 of tl.f

Changes in version
2.14.1 with respect to 2.14
Vienna, October 2000
- Bug in flux conservation at very low
incident energies (in HRTW) fixed
- Mismatch of elastic channels
for negative parity targets (in HRTW) fixed
- Division by zero 1p-0h level
density in MSC gamma emission fixed
- Undefined variables in
MSC-NVWY.f and MSD-tristan.f defined (KASE
in MSD-orion.f still remains
undefined, Z1 and Z2 do not make any
problem since unused)
- MATIN1 replaced by MTXINV in MSC
gamma emission
- VMS specific statements marked with
*-IF VMS in input.f and io.h
- Print of C.M. incident energy to
standard output added in main.f

Changes in version 2.14
with respect to 2.13
Vienna, September 2000
- Second chance preequilibrium
emission applying M.B. Chadwick model
to the result of the MSD
- Bug in clearing the population of
discrete levels when ENDF option used fixed
- Bug in writing optical model
parameters for the incident channel on the
ompar file fixed.
- SHC(2)=SHC(1) bug in main.f fixed
- Miss-print for 95-Zr in
data/ldp.dat(7676) fixed by setting the value to 0
- Redundant FLOAT in ORION2 removed
- Collective level densities with
a=A/LEVDEN used whenever LEVDEN.GT.2.0
- Star format for recoil mass
replaced by the fixed one
- Alphanumeric branching ratios in
orsi.liv replaced by numbers and input.f changed appropriately (BCDNUM
- HRTW formulation of the statistical
model included (width fluctuation correction).
- Bug causing use of Weisskopf
estimates for gamma strength at all incident energies except the first
- Bug in passing GDR parameters
through input removed.
- Zerkin's zvd plotting capability
added (through zvd script and Tcl/Tk GUI).
- EXFOR entries for neutron capture
coded as SIG,,AV (averaged cross sections) included in plots.

Changes in version 2.13
with respect to 2.12.2
Vienna, March, 2000
- General clean-up of the FORTRAN
- New organization of modules that
reflects physical contents
- Check whether MSD cross section is
not larger than the fusion cross section
- Gamma cascade in the first CN is
default if CN excitation
energy is below 20 MeV and can be
controlled with GCASC in optional input
- l=0 transfer strength in MSD-orion
set to the self-consistent
value by default (rather than to
GMR energy as before)
- Fusion cross sections read from the
file name.fus are treated as fusion cross sections at subsequent
l values (starting with l=0)
rather than fusion cross sections
to a given spin of CN. Transmission coefficients are calculated from
the read values and a proper angular
momentum and parity coupling is
performed to obtain Compound Nucleus spin distribution.
- Error in BCS blocking in TRISTAN
- BCS blocking in TRISTAN made
automatic (no input required)
- pipe.c replaced with the one by R.
- Automatic retrieval of EXFOR data
- Link to EMPEND to create ENDF
formatted file
- Link to X4TOC4 and PLOTC4 to
produce plots at the end of the run
- Fission barriers for Z>102
according to Myers & Swiatecki Phys. Rev. C60 1999
- FITLEV creates a whole set of
cumulative plots without interaction
- Fusion barrier can be read from
input (BFUS)
- Bass option for fusion disabled
- Distributed fusion barrier model
now relies on the CCFUS fusion barrier
- OMPAR (.omp) file with optical
model parameters produced and used for input

Changes in version
2.12.2 with respect to 2.12.1
Vienna, 11 April 1999
- Energy shift used to fit low energy
discrete levels gradually decreased between Ecut and neutron binding to
recover agreement with Dobs.
- Entire code checked with FTNCHEK and
some errors corrected (undefined
variables, unreferenced ones
- All DO loops given separate endings
(END DO, no labels)
- Entire code consistently indented.
Changes in version
2.12.1 with respect to 2.12
Vienna, 07 Dec. 1998
- source directory added with
explicit double precision source (no compiler -r8 option required).
- roign.f routine replaced by roemp.f.
It fits dynamical level densities
(BCS approach below critical energy)
to discrete levels by applying an energy shift. ATTENTION: for the
time being these shifts destroy agreement
with Dobs at neutron binding.

Changes in version 2.12
with respect to 2.11
Vienna, 15 Sept. 1998
- Error in the determination of
pairing corrections in readnix.f (in the
case of Gilbert-Cameron) removed.
- Errors in coding of the dynamical
level densities removed.
- New, EMPIRE specific, systematics of
level density parameter 'a' for
dynamical level densities introduced
and set as default if dynamical level density chosen. This
systematics fits Ilijnov-Mebel D-observed
using EMPIRE formulas for l.d. If
an experimental value for a given
nucleus is present in the ldp.dat
file it is taken. Average normalization
factor is calculated for these cases
and applied for the remaining ones
for which there is no experimental
value. All nuclei are treated as deformed
as far as the collective enhancement
is concerned. Temporarily
damping of the collective effects
has been removed, i.e. level densities are
calculated in the adiabatic

Web: Michal Herman
Last Updated: 01/04/2019 11:55:27