- Broad range of energies (from above the resonance region up to a few hundreds of MeV).
- Projectile: nucleons, nuclei (HI), and photons.
- Reactions on excited targets.
- Highly automated adjustment of optical model parameters with automatic selection of experimental data.
- Exact treatment of exclusive spectra.
- Improved algorithm for recoils.
- Resonance module for reading, processing and ENDF-6 formating of the data contained in the electronic version
of the Atlas of Neutron Resonances by S.F. Mughabghab (because of copyrights Atlas data NOT included in the distribution).
- Automatic retrieval of experimental data from the updated EXFOR library (C4 file).
- Automtated calculation of sensitivity matrices to model parameters and their adjustment using Kalamn filter.
- Generation of covariances using Kalamn filter method.
- Generation of covariances using Monte Carlo method.
- Complete support for ENDF-6 formatting, inclusion of neutron resoances (MF=2), inserting covariances, format checking, and preprocessing.
- Automatic and GUI assisted interactive plotting of experimental and calculated excitation functions, angular
distributions, double differential cross sections and level densities.
- GUI assisted interactive comparison plots; overlying different calculations/evaluations.
- Support for NJOY.
- Easy operation through Graphic User Interface (GUI).
Web: Michal Herman
Last Updated: 01/04/2019 11:56:50