Evaluated neutron cross section libraries for the Geant4 code (v2.0, 17/05/2018)
Emilio Mendoza and Daniel Cano-Ott, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Spain
Geant4 is a general purpose toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. Primary focus of Geant4 was on preparation of experiments for CERN Large Hadron Collider. Other areas of application are growing and include high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, studies in hadronic therapy, tomography, space dosimetry, and others. Geant4 physics includes different models for simulation of interactions of hadrons with nuclei.
The present web page contains nuclear data for the high precision transport model (G4NeutronHP/G4ParticleHP) of neutrons with energies lower than 20 MeV. These data come from different releases of the evaluated data libraries (e.g. ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.3, JENDL-4.0, etc), which have been converted into the Geant4 format. Such data are meant to replace the default G4NDL neutron library available with the standard Geant4 distribution. In this way, Geant4 users will have access to the complete list of standard evaluated neutron data libraries when performing Monte Carlo simulations with Geant4, have access to a larger list of isotopes and be able to estimate the systematic uncertainties in the results associated to the uncertainties in nuclear data.
Installation of the new neutron data libraries
These data libraries work on Geant4 releases newer than Geant4.9.5.p02.
The procedure for installing the libraries is described as follows:
- Uncompress the neutron data library file, in any folder, for example by typing:
$unix> tar -xjvf JEFF-3.3.tar.bz
- Copy the following G4NDL folders in the new library folders (ENDF/B-VIII.0, JEFF-3.3, ... ):
G4NDL4.5/IsotopeProduction G4NDL4.5/JENDL_HE G4NDL4.5/ThermalScattering G4NDL4.5/Inelastic/Gammas Example:
$unix>cp -r [...]/G4NDL4.5/IsotopeProduction [...]/JEFF-3.3/IsotopeProduction $unix>cp -r [...]/G4NDL4.5/JENDL_HE [...]/JEFF-3.3/JENDL_HE $unix>cp -r [...]/G4NDL4.5/ThermalScattering [...]/JEFF-3.3/ThermalScattering $unix>cp -r [...]/G4NDL4.5/Inelastic/Gammas [...]/JEFF-3.3/Inelastic/Gammas
- Set the G4NEUTRONHPDATA environmental variable (in the ~/.bashrc for the user or /etc/bash.bashrc for the whole system) file to the new library folder, instead of the G4NDL4.5:
#export G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/[...]/G4NDL4.5 export G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/[...]/JEFF-3.3
Neutron data libraries
Neutron data libraries in the G4NDL format for the different evaluated nuclear data libraries:
Figures containing energy distributions obtained from Geant4 and MCNP6 simulations of the secondary neutrons, γ-rays, p, d, t, 3He and α as described in INDC(NDS)-0758:
Download all the compressed figures as G4_10.04.p01_VS_MCNP6_pdfFiles.tar.gz.
Figures for every distribution (partial cross sections, energy and angular distributions of secondaries...) sampled with the Geant4 classes and generated the "viewr" program of NJOY code. The figures have been compiled in postscript and there exists one for each isotope in each library processed:.
- BROND-2.2: download the compressed figures as BROND-2.2_pdf.tar.gz
- CENDL-31: download the compressed figures as CENDL-31_pdf.tar.gz
- ENDF-B/VI.8: download the compressed figures as ENDF-VI8_pdf.tar.gz
- ENDF-B/VII.0: download the compressed figures as ENDF-VII0_pdf.tar.gz
- JEFF-3.0: download the compressed figures as JEFF30N_pdf.tar.gz
- JEFF-3.1: download the compressed figures as JEFF31N_pdf.tar.gz
- JENDL-3.3: download the compressed figures as JENDL330_pdf.tar.gz
- JENDL-4.0: download the compressed figures as JENDL-4.0_pdf.tar.gz
This work was partly supported by the European project ENSAR2 (Grant agreement ID: 654002).
The authors would appreciate that their work is acknowledged properly. Please cite:
- E. Mendoza, D. Cano-Ott, T. Koi and C. Guerrero, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science 61 (2014) 2357.
- E. Mendoza, D. Cano-Ott, C. Guerrero, and R. Capote, New Evaluated Neutron Cross Section Libraries for the Geant4 Code, IAEA technical report INDC(NDS)-0612, Vienna, 2012. Data available online at Geant4.
- E. Mendoza, D. Cano-Ott, Update of the Evaluated Neutron Cross Section Libraries for the Geant4 Code, IAEA technical report INDC(NDS)-0758, Vienna, 2018.
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