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Various Specialized Evaluated Data Libraries
ADL-3 Russian
Activation Data Library (1993), evaluated neutron activation cross-sections
of 20049 excitation functions,by O.T.
Grudzevich, A.V. Zeleneckij, A.V. Ignatyuk, A.B. Pashchenko, see Yadernye Konstanty, issue 1993 (3-4). ENDF-6
format. Documentation:
IAEA-NDS-137 Download
full library (33 MB). |
MENDL-2 Russian cross-section data library for
transmutation and activation of materials irradiated by neutrons with
energies up to 100 MeV. Yu.N. Shubin
et al., report INDC(CCP)-385.
format. Summary
documentation: IAEA-NDS-136
(1995). Download
individual materials or whole library (76 MB). |
ASIYAD Fission-product yield library by A.F.
Grashin (1988). Data for thermal and/or fast neutron-induced fission for 22
fissioning nuclides between U-232 and Cm-245. ENDF-6 format. Documentation:
IAEA-NDS-133 Download
library (2 MB). |
MENDL-2P Proton reaction data library for
nuclear activation by Yu.N. Shubin et al., Obninsk, Russia. Calculated proton cross-sections in ENDF-6
format for 505 nuclei (Z=13-84) for energies up to 200 MeV. The total number of reactions is
87196.ENDF-6 format. Summary
documentation: IAEA-NDS-204. Download individual
materials or whole library
(133 MB). |
BISERM-2 Nuclear
Data Library for Evaluation of Radiation Effects in Materials Induced by
Neutrons of Intermediate Energies (1997). By Yu.A. Korovin et al., Obninsk, Russia.
Neutron displacement cross sections and
hydrogen and helium production cross sections for 259 stable nuclei from
Al-27 to Bi-209 at neutron energies up to 1 GeV. ENDF-6 format. Documentation:
IAEA‑NDS-203 Download
library (3 MB). |
RRDF-98 Russian
Reactor Dosimetry File. Cross sections and uncertainties for 22
reactions used for neutron flux dosimetry by foil activation. By K.I.
Zolotarev, A.V.Ignatyuk, V.N. Manokhin, and A.B. Pashchenko. ENDF-6 format. Documentation and individual reactions available online from IAEA-NDS-193 (1999). Or download whole library. |
Cf-252 neutron
spectrum Evaluation
of the californium‑252 spontaneous fission neutron spectrum, by W.
Mannhart, PTB Braunschweig, FRG, 1986/87. Summary documentation: IAEA‑NDS‑98. Available
for download in free format or
from ENDF/B-VII decay data library. |
TLAPrfl Package
for Calculation of Depth Profile for Thin Layer Activation, by G. Wallace.
The package is available online together
with summary documentation IAEA-NDS-192
(September 1999). |
DROSG-2000 Package
with programs and data for 59 neutron source reactions. Not in ENDF format. See
summary page. |
WIND Neutron nuclear data library for isotopes of U,
Np, Pu up to 100 MeV, with one file of proton reaction data for U-238 (WIND-1)
and a file for Pu-239 up to 2 GeV which includes also fission product
yields (WIND-2). ENDF-6 format. By
A.Ju. Konobejev et al., Obninsk, Russia. Summary
documentation: IAEA-NDS-143 |
FOND-2.2 Evaluated
Neutron Data Library (1999), for
generating sets of constants in the ABBN constants system, by V.N. Koscheev,
M.N. Nikolaev, A.M. Tsiboulia, G.V. Savoskina. Documentation
with hyperlinks to data files for 679 materials in ENDF-6 format: IAEA-NDS-199 |
Yavshits Theoretical Evaluation of Neutron and Proton
Induced Fission Cross Sections for Pb - Pu Targets in Energy Range 20 - 200
MeV, by S. Yavshits. ENDF-6 format. Report
and data available from IAEA-NDS-153 (February
2002) |
LLCRP Excitation
functions of 16 long-lived activation reactions of importance in fusion
reactor technology. ENDF-5 format. Documentation: INDC(NDS)-344
(1997). Download library (1 MB). |
DXS Displacement Cross Section and Gas Production Files for Structural Materials Irradiated with Neutrons and Protons. Download Documentation and library (2011-2015). |