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Evaluated neutron reaction data
V. M. Maslov, Yu. V. Porodzinskij, M. Baba, A. Hasagawa,
N. V. Kornilov, A. B. Kagalenko, N. A. Tetereva
Joint Institute of Nuclear and Energy Research-SOSNY
Minsk-Sosny, 220109, Belarus
237Np, 241Am, 243Am files updated (October 2010)
241Am, 243Am files updated (April 2011)

Nuclide MAT Data Plots Comments
90-Th-232 9040 original K0 K300 Th232 comment
9131 original K0 K300 comment
91-Pa-233 9137 original K0 K300 comment
92-U -232 9219 original K0 K300 Readme comment
92-U -233 9222 original K0 K300 Readme comment
92-U -234 9225 original K0 K300 Readme comment
92-U -238 9237 original K0 K300 Readme comment (Updated February 2005)
93-Np-237 9346 original Readme comment (Updated September 2010)
93-Np-238 9349 original K0 K300 Readme comment
94-Pu -238 9434 original K0 K300 Readme comment
94-Pu -242 9446 original K0 K300 Readme comment
95-Am-241 9541 original Readme comment(Updated April 2011)
95-Am-242g 9542 original K0 K300 Readme comment
95-Am-242m 9542 original K0 K300 Readme comment
95-Am-243 9543 original Readme comment(Updated April 2011)
96-Cm-243 9634 original K0 K300 Readme comment
96-Cm-245 9645 original K0 K300 Readme comment
96-Cm-246 9643 original K0 K300 Readme comment

92-U-235 9228 original Aug-2008 Prompt fission neutron spectra evaluation,
Nucl. Phys. A760(2005)274 doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2005.06.007

Documentation (PDF)

Last updated: 11/06/2014 07:54:21
 Last Updated: 11/06/2014 07:54:21
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