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DROSG-2000: Neutron Source Reactions

Data files with Computer codes for 60 accelerator-based neutron source reactions

prepared by M. Drosg, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria

Version 12.01 (March 2017)

This package contains data and three Computer codes to calculate:

  • Neutron energies, differential cross-sections and differential yields;
  • thick-target yields and white neutron spectra from monoenergetic neutron producing reactions;
  • differential cross sections and energies of (n,p), (n,d), (n,t) and (n,α) reactions which are timereversed neutron production reactions (using detailed balance calculations).
The calculation uses nuclear masses derived from the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2012, the cross sections are from the files*.koe and the yield is calculated using Ziegler's data.(See also: INDC(AUS)-0019).


How to use:

  • MS-Widows use: The three executables run under MSWindows on 32- and 64- bit machines.
  • LINUX use: The FORTRAN source codes are tested with a LAHEY LF95 for LINUX compiler to be fully compatible. The make*.bat file describes what must be obeyed when compiling the codes.

 Last Updated: 02-April-2015
Web design: V.Zerkin, IAEA, 2008