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Reference Neutron Activation Library


What is RNAL?




single ENDF-6 file

individual evaluations and plots

all Z



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Related Libraries:

x-sec. data


decay data


M. Herman

RNAL is a library of evaluated cross sections for neutron induced reactions leading to radioactive products. These reactions are used in various applications, especially in the activation analysis. The evaluations have been selected from various national and regional projects and assembled at IAEA Nuclear Data Section.

The library is restricted to the 255 most important reactions. The relatively small number of reactions allowed for a detailed assessment of the library providing the user with the information on the quality of the data.

The original evaluations were reformatted to conform to the ENDF-6 standard. All Q-values and thresholds were consistently recalculated using recent recommended masses of Audi-Wapstra 95 and isomer energies taken from NUDAT. The library was checked using CHECKR, FIZCON and PSYCHE codes, which produced no messages that would raise serious concern.

The evaluations are compared with experimental data in the EXFOR database and compilation of capture cross sections at 30 keV. This graphical validation includes 260 figures.

The RNAL libaray consists of 342 files with evaluations for individual reactions. As a rule, reactions leading to different final states are stored in separate files. The names of the files consist of 'za' characters followed by Z and A numbers, and MT of the reaction used as an extention. In the filenames the ENDF-6 MT numbers are increased by 300 and 600 for reactions leading to the first and second metastable state, respectively.

A single ENDF-6 file with entire library is also provided. The latter one is compressed with GNU gzip.




Evaluations were extracted from the following projects (number of evaluations is given within brackets):

  • ADL-3 (42)
  • CRP (7)
  • EAF-4.1 (39)
  • EAF-99 (2)
  • EFF-2.4 (7)
  • ENDF/B-VI (14)
  • FENDL/A-1 (1)
  • IPPE (5)
  • IRDF-90.2 (16)
  • IRK (2)
  • JEF-2.2 (79)
  • JENDL-3.1 (12)
  • JENDL-3.2 (1)
  • JENDL-Act96 (19)
  • JENDL-FF (1)
  • LANL (2)
  • LANL-96 (3)
  • RNAL (2)
  • RRDF-98 (6)
  • Fission reactors - safety, maintenance, decommissioning

  • Magnetic and inertial fusion - safety, maintenance, waste

  • Borehole logging

  • Geophysics

  • Dosimetry

  • Astrophysics

Baosheng Yu
China Nuclear Data Center
Beijing, China
Hlavac, S.
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bratislava, Slovakia
Csikai, J.
Kossuth Lajos University
Debrecen, Hungary
Forrest, R.A.
Culham Laboratory
Abingdon, UK
Grudzevich, O.T.
Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering
Obninsk, Russia
Herman, M.
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna, Austria
Ignatyuk, A.V.
Fiziko-Energeticheskij Institut
Obninsk, Russia
Kopecky, J.
JUKO Research
Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Nakajima, Y
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Tokai-mura, Japan
Pashchenko, A.B.
Fiziko-Energeticheskij Institut
Obninsk, Russia
Perlado, J.M.
Universidad Politecnica Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Sanz, J.
Universidad Politecnica Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Trkov, A.
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna, Austria

Zolotarev, K.I.
Fiziko-Energeticheskij Institut
Obninsk, Russia


The standard ENDF-6 format is used. The total reaction cross sections are stored in file MF=3. Reactions leading to the ground state (g.s.), to the first metastable state (meta-1) and to the second metastable state (meta-2) are stored in file MF=10 using LFS indicator equal 0, 1 and 2 to identify final states respectively.


The CD-ROM containing data, plots and documentation (exact copy of these Web pages) and/or hard copy of the documentation can be requested free of charge from the IAEA-NDS.

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