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21st Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Network, 20-24 April 2015, IAEA, Vienna

The 21st NSDD meeting was held from 20 to 24 April 2015, at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna.

Data Center Reports
1P. DimitriouIAEA NDS ReportPDF
2M. HermanNNDC/USNDP ReportPDF
3C. NesarajaORNL ReportPDF
4S. BasuniaLBNL ReportPPT
5J. KelleyTUNL ReportPPT
6F. KondevANL ReportPDF
7B. SinghMcMaster Univ. ReportPPT
8A.K. JainReport from the Indian Nuclear Data CenterPPT
9J. BlachotReport from French Nuclear Data CenterPPT
10J. TimarHungary Data Center ReportPPT
11T. KibediAustralian National University ReportPPT
12A. FahranKuwait Data Center ReportPPT
13D. YangReport from Jilin UniversityPPT
14X. HuangReport from CNDC, BeijingPDF
15I. MitropolskyReport from PNPI Data CenterPDF
New Data Centers, Workshops and Other Activities
16M. ThoennessenNuclear Data at MSUPPT
17D. BalabanskiEuropean effort - ENSDDPPT
18Tuli/DimitriouJoint ICTP-IAEA WorkshopsPDF
19J. TuliOrganizational ReviewPPT
20P. DimitriouRevision of NSDD Status DocumentPDF
21J. TuliENSDF/NDS StatusPPT
22B. SinghXUNDL StatusPPT
23B. PritychenkoNuclear Science ReferencesPPT
24M. VerpelliRIPL - levelsPPT
Horizontal Evaluations
25G. AudiAtomic Mass Evaluation and NUBASEPDF
26M. KellettDDEPPPT
27R. FirestoneEGAF Status 2015PPT
28A.K. JainSemi-magic seniority isomers and the effective interactionsPPT
29F. KondevK-isomers in deformed nuclei (A>100)PDF
30N.J. StoneNuclear Moments TablesPPT
31M. MacCormickIsobaric Analogue States in NUBASEPDF
ENSDF Processing
32J. TuliENSDF Processing StatusPPT
33V. ZerkinMyEnsdf: Web Tool for ENSDF EvaluatorsPDF
Computer Codes Session
34P. DimitriouStatus of ENSDF Codes ProjectPDF
36T. KibediBrIccEmisPPT
37S. SinghRADD SoftwarePPT
38M. KellettBeta-spectra codePDF
39B. SinghJAVA Averaging Library-GAMUTPPT
40B. SinghJAVA-NDS code
Output for A=43
41A. SonzogniRecycling Nudat ProgramsPPT
42M. VerpelliLiveChartPPT
43Th. MertzimekisNuclear Moments DatabasePDF
Technical presentations
44L. BernsteinInelastic neutron scattering and Baghdad Atlas compilationPPT
45E. McCutchanHigh precision decay data for medical isotopesPPT
46N. NicaUpdate of ICC measurementPPT
47S. Lalkovski105Ru-data evaluation and experimentationPDF
48H. SakuraiNuclear Structure and Decay Programs at RIKENPPT
49D. AbriolaStatus report of nuclear data activities at TANDAR laboratory-Argentina-
50D. BalabanskiELI-NP@IFIN-HHPPT
51C. Gil/J. LeeResearch Activities for Evaluations of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data in KoreaPPT-1
52A. HurstENSDF-translations efforts at LBNLPDF
53S. ErturkReport on evaluation for A~173: 173Tm and 173ErPPT
Proposals - Round Table Discussion
54F. KondevProposal to include absolute γ-ray emission probabilities in decay data setsPDF
55T. KibediProposal to include atomic radiation energies and emission prob. in decay data setsPPT
56J. KelleyProposal to include particle decay from levels in ENSDFPPT
57P. Dimitriou/B. SinghProposal to include horizontal evaluations (β-n emitter T1/2+Pn,
B(E2) to 1st 2+, and others) in adopted data sets
58R. FirestoneBudgets, Manpower, MentoringPPT

 Last Updated: 02/09/2021 16:38:17
bibliographic information: Nuclear Science References (NSR)