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PREPRO 2021 Code System Download

The ENDF/B Pre-Processing Codes run on virtually ANY Computer.

Pre-Processing code output is Completely FORTRAN, C and C++ Compatible

Download BOTH files for your Type of Computer: (README and Code System)!


Make sure you read the simple text file named README for complete Instructions on Installation and Testing

Documentation is NOT included with downloaded codes for each computer. You must download documentation separately - see Document Download.

Computer systems now differ so much from one computer to another that the executables included here may not run on your computer. If they do not, see the /SOURCES directory, that includes the source code, and instructions how to compile these codes.

The Windows executables include the 2021-2 version of PREPRO, while the Mac and Linux executables include the 2021-1 version of PREPRO.
In additon, the latest source files are always available also on Github.

(2021-2 version)
(2021-1 version)
(2021-1 version)
(2021-1 version)
Code System
32 Bit Code System
Code System
Code System

64 Bit Code System

 Last Updated: 10/14/2021 13:28:35
Web design: V.Zerkin, IAEA, 2008