In the following table you can find the electronic stopping power of heaviy ions Kr to U in atoms and compounds plotted versus the projectile energy. For each ion-target, you can download the graphs as images, the data as ascii files and the origin plots.
Some systems with only one or two sets of measurements have not been plotted yet although the data is in this database. To get all the data for Kr to U ions check out the list of data for Li and heavier ions. Universal plots, data and ORIGIN files per ion are also available in the table. The reference codes are explained in the list of all data references, and the curve designations in the list of stopping power tables and programs.
Projectiles | Target | Graphs: | Data, origin files and comments |
19K ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Air |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Here you can get all the DATA and ORIGIN files for K ions, also the universal plot. |
20Ca ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Lu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Here is the universal plot for Ca ions. Click here to get all the origin figures Click here to get all the DATA figures |
21Sc ions |
C |
The complete data table and the origin graph |
Here is the universal plot for Sc ions. Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Sc ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Sc ions. |
22Ti ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ge |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Nb2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
SiO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Here is the universal plot for Ti ions. Click here to get all the origin figures for Ti ions. Click here to get all the data files for Ti ions |
23V ions |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ge |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Polyethylene |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Polycarbonate |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN figures for V ions Click here to get all the DATA files for V ions |
24Cr ions |
Air |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ge |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Polyethylene |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Polycarbonate |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file) |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Cr ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Cr ions |
25Mn ions |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file) |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Polyethylene |
Polyethylene Naphthalate, C7H5O2. The complete data table (txt file) |
Polycarbonate |
Polycarbonate, C16H14O3. The complete data table (txt file) |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file) |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Mn ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Mn ions |
26Fe ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Co |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Fe |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Havar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mg |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Nb |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Sn |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file) |
V |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the origin figures for Fe ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Fe ions |
27Co ions |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file) |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file) |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Co ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Co ions |
28Ni ions |
Ag |
Here, NS70 is low at the maximum The complete data table (txt file) |
Al |
The Hak02 data seem strange. The complete data table (txt file) |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ar |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file) |
C |
The theoretical program GB04 agrees beautifully with experiment at 1 MeV/nucleon. . The complete data table (txt file) |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Havar |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Polyethylene |
Polyethylene Naphthalate C7H5O2. The complete data table (txt file) |
Polycarbonate |
Polycarbonate C16H14O3 . The complete data table (txt file) |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Ni ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Ni ions |
29Cu ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Al |
Here, NS70 is low at the maximum. Diwan01 extends the Hubert curve to lower energy. Jav12 fits the data. The complete data table (txt file). |
Ar |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Bi |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Butane |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
NS70 is low at the maximum. The complete data table (txt file). |
CF4 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
CH4 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
CO2 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cr |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file). |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
He |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Hf |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mg |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mylar | the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | ||
N2 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ni | the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | ||
O2 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Pb |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Pen |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Poly |
The complete data table (txt file). |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file). |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Silicon Nitride |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Sn |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ti |
SRIM13 and CasP5.2 reproduce the data rather well. the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Xe |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Zr |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Cu ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Cu ions |
32Ge ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Ge ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Ge ions |
33As ions |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Poly |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Only one dataset! at very low energies. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for As ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for As ions. |
35Br ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Al2O3 |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ar |
the complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Be |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file) |
He |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
N2 |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file) |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Silicon Nitride |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
SiO2 |
the complete data table (txt file) |
Ta2O5 |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
UF4 |
the complete data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Br ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Br ions. |
36Kr ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The Northcliffe (NS) curve is low for E>1MeV/amu. The Hubert curve (HU90) fits the high energy data well |
Ar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Be |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Butane |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Large dispersion of theoretical and experimental values. There is no good agreement between 0.3-10 MeV/amu. |
Carbon dioxide |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
CF4 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Co |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cr |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Er |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Fe |
The complete data table (txt file). |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Havar |
The complete data table (txt file). |
He |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ir |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Lu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Only one set of data by Trz18. |
Methane |
The Barbui curve (Barb10) fits the data very well The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Mg |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mo |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
N2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Nb |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ne |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Pb |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure Only one set of data by Trz18. |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Sn |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Th |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure Only one set of data by Trz18. |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
V |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Xe |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Zr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
ZrO2 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Kr ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Kr ions. |
39Y ions |
Au |
the data table (txt file) |
C |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
the data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the DATA files for Y ions |
40Zr ions |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mylar |
The data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
The data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN and DATA files for Zr ions. |
41Nb ions |
Ag |
the data table (txt file) |
Al |
the data table (txt file) |
Au |
the data table (txt file) |
C |
the data table (txt file) |
Cu |
the data table (txt file) |
Ni |
The origin file, and the data table (txt file). |
Ta |
The origin file, and the data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN and DATA files for Nb ions. |
42Mo ions |
Ag |
the data table (txt file) |
Al |
the data table (txt file) |
Au |
the data table (txt file) |
Be |
the data table (txt file) |
C |
the data table (txt file) |
Cu |
the data table (txt file) |
Mylar |
The origin file and the data table (txt file) |
Ni |
The origin file and the data table (txt file). |
Si |
the data table (txt file) |
Ta |
the data table (txt file) |
Ti |
the data table (txt file) |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN and DATA files for Mo ions. |
44Ru ions |
Mylar |
The origin file and the data table (txt file). First measurements, Ru as fission fragments. |
Ni |
The origin file and the data table (txt file). First measurements, Ru as fission fragments. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN and DATA files for Ruthenium ions. |
47Ag ions |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Fe |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Pd |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
V |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Zn |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Zr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN and DATA files for Ag ions. |
51Sb ions |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Sb ions as fission fragments. SRIM underestimates the only set of data. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files and DATA files for Sb ions. |
52Te ions |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
He |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Methane (CH4) |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. SRIM largely underestimates the data, the new version of CasP (CasP6.0, 2021) is quite close. |
N2 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ne |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. SRIM describes the data fairly well, DPASS is somewhat high. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files and DATA files for Te ions. |
53I ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The Barbui curve (Bar10) is too low at low energy |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. DPASS is closer to the data than SRIM. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for I ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for I ions |
54Xe ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The Barbui curve (Bar10) is too low at low energy. |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The Barbui curve (Bar10) is too low at low energy; Jav12 fits pretty well |
Ar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Be |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The point at 4 MeV/n is represented by Hubert, but not by SRIM (Z03). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure SRIM 2013 appears too low around the stopping maximum (data Trz09), Hubert (HU90) fits the measurements by Gs98. Theoretical results (Arista09, Fet06) are near the maximum but overestimates for lower energies. |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Pb |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The Saxena results (nuclear track technique) appear strange . |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Xe |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Xe ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Xe ions |
55Cs ions |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure . Only one set of data. SRIM underestimates it by far. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure . SRIM is low but close to the data, DPASS is too large. |
Sn |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Cs ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Cs ions |
56Ba ions |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure . SRIM underestimates the data by far. |
Only one set of data for Ba ions as fission fragments. |
57La ions |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure . La ions from fission fragments. DPASS and CasP curves are closer to the data than SRIM. |
Sn |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the DATA files for La ions |
58Ce ions |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure . |
Click here to get all the DATA files for Ce ions |
74W ions |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for W ions Click here to get all the DATA files for W ions |
79Au ions |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The ATIMA calculation reproduces the high energy data perfectly, while the Hubert and Ziegler's SRIM tables are slightly low. |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Jav12 fits the data. |
Butane |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The ATIMA calculation reproduces the high energy data perfectly, while the Hubert and Ziegler SRIM tables are slightly low. |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Nb2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Polystyrene |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
SiO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Au ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Au ions |
82Pb ions |
Ag |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Al |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ar |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Be |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure. The point at 4 MeV/n is represented by HU90, but not by Z03 |
C |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure. SRIM appears very low for light targets, but Hubert fits the data |
Mg |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ni |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Pb |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Sn |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ta |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ti |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Xe |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Zr |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Click here to get the compressed version of all the ORIGIN files for Pb ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Pb ions |
83Bi ions |
Ag |
The Lindhard-Sörensen curve follows the high energy data better than SRIM (Z08) The complete data table (txt file). |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cu |
The Lindhard-Sörensen curve follows the high energy data better than SRIM (Z08) The complete data table (txt file). |
Pb |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Bi ions. Click here to get all the DATA files for Bi ions |
90Th ions |
CH4 |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Kr |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ne |
the data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Th ions Click here to get all the DATA files for Th ions |
92U ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Air |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ar |
The Barbui curve (Barb10) fits the data very well. The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Be |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Bi |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Butane |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
C3F8 |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Cd |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
CH4 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
CF4 |
The complete data table (txt file) |
Cr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Form |
The complete data table (txt file). |
He |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ho |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mo |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
N2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Nb |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ne |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Pd |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Rh |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ru |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Sc |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Sm |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Sn |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ta |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Th |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ti |
CasP and SRIM agree well with the data. The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
U |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
V |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Xe |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Y |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Zn |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Zr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for U ions Click here to get all the DATA files for U ions |