In the following table you can find the electronic stopping power of heavy ions from Li to Ar in atoms and compounds, plotted versus the projectile energy. For each ion-target, you can download the graphs as images, the data as ascii files and the origin plots.
Some systems with only one or two sets of measurements have not been plotted yet although the data is in this database. To get all the data for ions Li to Ar, check out the list of data for Li and heavier ions. Universal plots, data and ORIGIN files per ion are also available in the table. The reference codes are explained in the list of all data references, and the curve designations in the list of stopping power tables and programs.
Projectiles | Target | Graphs: | Data, origin files and comments |
3Li ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Air |
Data by Hv71 appear low |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), and origin plot. |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file), and origin plot. |
Ar |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin file. |
B |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin file. Here, many curves stay below the data at the maximum! |
CH4 |
CO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), and origin plot. PASS too high at low energy |
Cu |
The complete data table (txt file), and origin plot. |
Gd |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file) |
H2O, liquid |
The complete data table (txt file), and origin plot. |
He |
The complete data table (txt file), and origin plot. Data by Hv71 appear low. PASS too high at low energy |
Kapton (polyimide) |
Complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
LR115 |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Lu |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure. |
N2 |
Ne |
The complete data table (txt file). Data by Hv71 appear low. PASS too high at low energy |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure |
O2 |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure |
Pd |
Polycarbonate |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin file. |
Polypropylene |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Si |
Complete data table (txt file), and origin figure. SRIM13 and MSTAR describe most of the data. The CasP 5.2 curve is low for energies below the stopping maximum. BA09 data is included only for E>50 keV/amu as requested by the authors. |
Silicon nitride |
Complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
SiO2 |
Ta |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Toluene |
Xe |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Zn |
The complete data table (txt file), |
Click here to get all the ORIGIN files for Li ion. All data for Li ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |
4Be ions |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file). Data by Ang00 is high compared to Zha02b |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Fe |
The complete data table (txt file). |
He |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Nb2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Ne |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file). |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file). |
SiC |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
SiO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Zn |
The complete data table (txt file). |
ZrO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), origin figure |
Here is the universal plot for Be ions. Click here to get all the origin files for Be ion. All data for Be ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |
5B ions |
Ag |
Air |
Al |
Ar |
Au |
Data by Bt65 low compared to other data |
B |
C |
Gd |
Kapton (polyimide) |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure. Only data by Rä90. Excellent agreement of SRIM13 |
Mylar |
N2 |
Ni |
Data by Bt65 low compared to other data |
Poly carbonate |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Silicon nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
TiN |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Zn |
Here is the universal plot for B ions. To get the ORIGIN files, click here to get all the ORIGIN files for B ion. All data for B ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |
6C ions |
Ag |
Air |
Al |
Al2O3 |
Ar |
The MSTAR curves follow the data points very well |
Au |
B |
Be |
Note the remarkable discrepancy between the (only) two data sets for C on Be! |
C |
SRIM, ATIMA, PASS and MSTAR curves fit the data quite well, the Konac curve (KO98) does not (at high energy because of the chosen I-value).Belowthe maximum, Geant4 becomes unreliable. CasP fits well except at low energy |
Cu |
Ge |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure. SRIM13 and MSTAR do not describe the data |
Graphite |
H2 |
H2O, liquid water |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure | ||
He |
Formvar | Graph | Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure | |
Kapton (polyimide) |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
LR115 |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
Mylar |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
N |
Ni |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure. The data by Hu00 are too high, different from all the rest. |
Polycarbonate |
Polypropylene | Graph | Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure | |
Si |
Silicon nitride |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
Silicon dioxide |
Ta |
Ti |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure. SRIM13 agrees with recent data Msi15 |
Zr |
ZrO2 |
Here is the universal plot for C ions. To get all the ORIGIN files for C ions, click here All data for C ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |
7N ions |
Ag |
IDSA Data by Zi87
extrapolate to finite value for v=0: strange! |
Air |
Al |
Sa91 and Na68 data appear too high |
Al2O3 |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
Ar |
Data by Fu96 very low compared to Or68, We53 |
Au |
Nd77 data appear too steep |
C |
Cu |
IDSA Data by Zi87 extrapolate to finite value for v=0: strange! |
Ge |
H |
He |
N |
Kr |
Mylar |
Ne |
Ni |
IDSA Data by Zi87 extrapolate to finite value for v=0: strange! |
Polycarbonate |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
Si |
SiC |
SiO2 |
Ta |
Ti |
TiN |
Get the complete data table (txt file), get the origin figure |
Xe |
Here is the universal plot for N ions. To get the ORIGIN files, click here. All data for N ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |
8O ions |
Ag |
Air |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Al2O3 |
Ar |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. The new data by Trz18 corroborate previous stopping values around the maximum, above the theoretical predictions and above SRIM and MSTAR. |
B |
Be |
Note the remarkable discrepancy between the data sets Ch68 and Sa92, similar to the case of carbon ions on Be! |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. The new data by Trz18 seems to correct previous data by the same group. |
Cu |
Formvar |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ge |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
H2 |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
He |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
In |
Kapton (polyimide) |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
LR115 |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
N2 |
Nb2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Ne |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. Nice theoretical-experimental agreement. |
O2 |
Polycarbonate |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Polypropylene |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Si |
SiC |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
SiO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Sn |
Ta |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. The values by Miz13 are high compared to others. |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Xe |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Zn |
Combining the EFSR-TCS approach with CasP brings theory close to experiment |
ZrO2 |
the complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
All data for O ion is here, even those not plotted yet. Here are all the origin files and the O universal plot. |
9F ions |
Ag |
Al |
Au |
C |
Cu |
Formvar | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
Mo |
Mylar | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
N2 |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | ||
Polycarbonate |
Polypropylene | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
Si |
Ti |
ZrO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Here is the universal plot for F ions. To get the ORIGIN files for F ions, click here All data for F ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |
10Ne ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Air |
Al |
Ar |
Au |
Discrepant Nd77 data, see paper. |
C |
The Po61 data appear high. Z98 lies high above Z96 and Z99. |
H |
He |
At the maximum, the curves by Ziegler and MSTAR differ considerably, but there are no experimental points to decide. |
N |
Ni |
Pt |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Si |
TiN |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Here is the universal plot for Ne ions. To get the ORIGIN files for Ne ions, click here |
11Na ions |
Air |
Al |
Ar |
C |
Mylar |
Here is the universal plot for Na ions. To get the ORIGIN files for Na ions, click here |
12Mg ions |
Ag |
Note large discrepancy between data by At90 and Wr79, see also 2001 paper |
Air |
Data by Hv71 low compared to Fa68 |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
Note large discrepancy between data by At90 and Wr79, see also 2001 paper |
C |
Cu |
Fe |
Formvar | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
He |
Mylar | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
Ni |
Polycarbonate |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Polypropylene | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
Si |
Ta |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Here is the universal plot for Mg ions. Click here to get all the ORIGIN figures for Mg ion |
13Al ions |
Ag |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Au |
C |
Data by Po61 low compared to Fa66. All the curves fit the data well |
Mylar |
MSTAR is closer to the data than SRIM13. The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Polycarbonate |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
PP | Graph | The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure | |
SiC |
Ta |
Ti |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. SRIM13 reproduces the stopping maximum better than MSTAR. |
TiN |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Here is the universal plot for Al ions. Click here to get all the origin figures for Al ions |
14Si ions |
Al |
For comparison, "nuclear" stopping is shown as calculated by SRIM |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Al2O3 |
Data (txt file), origin figure. |
Ar |
Data (txt file), origin figure. |
Au |
The Nd77 data appear low (see coments in 2001 paper). |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure The KO98 curve is surprisingly high. |
Cu |
GaAs |
Ge |
He |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Kr |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
LR-115 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
N2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Nb2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. |
Ne |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Polycarbonate |
Polypropylene |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure Experimental discrepancy around the stopping maximum |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Si |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Good agreement of SRIM13 with Ps04 and Gue16 data, BA15 values are higher than them. |
SiO2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. ICRU73, SRIM, and MSTAR slightly low around the maximum. |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), and the origin figure. Good agreement of SRIM13 with Fon16 data. |
W |
Zr |
An universal plot for Si ions is available. To get all the ORIGIN files in compressed form click here. |
15P ions |
Al |
C |
Ge |
Mylar |
Ni |
Si |
Here is the universal plot for P ions. To get all the ORIGIN files for P ions, click here |
16S ions |
Ag |
Air |
Ar |
Au |
Note that the (high) values of Bt66 are no more mentioned by Sd75, even though both publications have a common author. See 2001 paper by Paul and Schinner |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Cu |
H2 |
He |
Kr |
N2 |
Ni |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Here is the universal plot for S ions. To get all the ORIGIN files, click here |
17Cl ions |
Ag |
Air |
Al |
Al2O3 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Ar |
Au |
C |
H2 |
He |
Mylar |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
SiC |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
N2 |
Ni |
Ta2O5 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure |
Here is the universal plot for Cl ions. To get the all the ORIGIN files, click here |
18Ar ions |
Ag |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Air |
Al |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. All the electronic stopping curves agree well with the data, except for Bar10 and libdEdx. The curve "nuclear" is the total nuclear stopping, calculated using SRIM |
Ar |
The Barbui curve (Barb10) fits the data well |
Au |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. Good experimental theoretical agreement. The Nd77 data are too low |
Be |
Butane |
C |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. The low energy Trz02 data appear low. Corrected by new data Trz18. Jav12 fits well. |
CF4 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
CH4 |
CO2 |
Cu |
H2 |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. MSTAR fits well, but most of the curves (Hiraoka, Northcliffe,and SRIM) lie below the data |
He |
Kr |
Lu |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. First measurements by Trz18. |
Mylar |
N2 |
Ne |
Ni |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Poly carbonate |
Si |
Silicon Nitride |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Ta |
Ti |
ZnP, Metaphosphate glass |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Xe |
The complete data table (txt file), the origin figure. |
Zr |
Here is the universal plot for Ar ions. Click here to get all the origin figures for Ar ions All data for Ar ion is here, even those not plotted yet. |